Blue White Illustrated

Appalachian State Postgame

Penn State Sports Magazine

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S E P T E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 8 B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . c O M 1 COMEBACK KIDS Penn State shows its youth but rallies to overcome App State Appalachian State is going to start having a really hard time scheduling nonconference games if it keeps this up. The Mountaineers nearly made 10th-ranked Penn State their latest upset victim on Saturday at Beaver Stadium, rallying back from two 14-point deficits in the second half. But the Nittany Lions answered with a rally of their own and won the game in overtime, 45-38, when Amani Oruwariye intercepted Zac Thomas in the end zone – the only turnover of the game. James Franklin began his postgame address by acknowledging the obvious: that App State had taken his team to the limit, just as it did to Michi- M A T T   H E R B | M A T T @ B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . c O M Sanders led the Nittany Lion ground game on Sat- urday, rushing for 91 yards on 19 carries. He was responsi- ble for all 25 of Penn State's yards in over- time, and his 4-yard touch- down run was the difference in the game. Photo by Steve Manuel BWI X PRESS P O S T G A M E R E P O R T W E E K 1 P E N N S T A T E 4 5 , A P P A L A C H I A N S T A T E 3 8

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