Blue White Illustrated

Rutgers Postgame

Penn State Sports Magazine

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N O V E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 1 8 B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . c O M 1 JERSEY BARRIER Penn State's defense dominates the Scarlet Knights Well… it was a win. It was less than spectacular and certainly less lopsided than the oddsmakers had expected, and it was aided immeasurably by a huge unforced error by the opponent. But those kinds of wins count, too, and Penn State will happily take it. By defeating Rutgers, 20-7, on Saturday, the visiting Nittany Lions continued to show that their defense is developing into one of the Big Ten's better units, and in the process they improved their postseason resume heading into next week's regular-season fi- nale against Maryland. Penn State was ineffective on offense for much of the a

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