The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports
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4 THE WOLVERINE MARCH 2019 COMING AROUND ON BASKETBALL Dear The Wolverine, Thank you, John Beilein and Mich- igan basketball! As a former fair- weather Michigan basketball fan, I have found solace in the doldrums of the winter absence of Michigan football. Yes, there is the ongoing in- terest in recruiting, the changes in the coaching staff, losses due to players opting for the draft and the interest in Tom Brady vying for another Su- per Bowl win. The interest in Michigan basket- ball is beyond expectations that were hoped for at the end of the Michigan football season. The mantra of "The Team, The Team, The Team" has re- invigorated its meaning in regards to Michigan basketball. The current makeup of the Michi- gan basketball starters, plus the sixth man, has some outstanding players, but they are the embodiment of the concept of "The Team." I do not downplay the contribu- tions from the bench whose mem- bers have stepped up with significant contributions at times. We all hope that the quality and quantity of those contributions increases. They are part of the team as well. Whatever the formula that Beilein brought to Michigan basketball, it has produced success here and his other coaching venues. Michigan had to re- place Moritz Wagner, Muhammad-Ali Abdur-Rahkman and Duncan Robin- son, but Michigan has compiled a bet- ter record at this point in the season than last year's championship game team that had those players. Beilein has presented a new cast of successful team players. The BIG sea- son is not complete, and the NCAA Tournament lies ahead. All predic- tions are speculation. The only cer- March 2019 • Vol. 30, No. 7 ISSN 1048-9940 Editor John Borton The Editor Chris Balas Football Recruiting Writer Brandon Brown Staff Writers Austin Fox Drew Hallett Editorial Intern Andrew Hussey Managing Editor Ryan Tice Contributing Editor Steve Downey Layout And Design Jeanette Blankenship Chris Miller Contributing Photographers Lon Horwedel Per Kjeldsen Cover Photo Courtesy Publisher Stu Coman Business Manager Linda Autry Marketing/Merchandise Manager Beverly Taylor Director Of Advertising Michelle Delee-Hamilton Customer Service Cathy Jones, Gail Evans The Wolverine is published monthly. A one-year (12 issues) subscription is $56.99. The Wolverine is printed at The Papers in Milford, Ind. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Wolverine, P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702. Periodical postage paid at Durham, NC 27702 and additional offices. For advertising or subscription information, call 1-800-421-7751 or write The Wolverine, P.O. Box 1304, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. The Wolverine is a publication of Coman Publishing Company, 905 W. Main St, Suite 24F, Durham, NC 27701. E-Mail Address: Subscription questions: Website: FROM OUR READERS TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS, On March 31 of this year, the regular price of The Wolverine will increase to $56.99. This is our first price change since 2013, six years ago, and is necessary to offset numerous postage rate hikes (including 10 percent this year) and substantial printing price increases since then. SPECIAL OFFER!! As a current subscriber, you can delay the price increase for up to two years by renewing at the old rates. A renewal offer is in the mail to you. You can also call us at 800-421-7751 (Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern time) or visit to lock in your subscription before the price increase takes effect on March 31, 2019. Your subscription includes: • 11 issues of The Wolverine. • Our annual Football Preview Magazine, more than 160 full-color pages covering the Wolverines. • Two weekly e-mail newsletters during football season with printable rosters and depth charts — one previewing the upcoming game on Thursdays and the other reporting on the contest (Sunday mornings). • Access to the digital version of the publication at TheWolverineOn • Special offers on Michigan sports books. Our goals haven't changed in the 30 years we have been publishing The Wolverine — we want to provide you with an interesting, informative and attractive publication covering Michigan athletics and recruiting. Thanks for your business. Go Blue!! Stu Coman, Publisher