Event Recaps
From left to right, senior associate athletics director for programs Jane Miller, VAF development intern Chelsea Shine, Val Ackerman, athletics director Craig Littlepage, Sallie Lewis, Debbie Stroman,
head coach Joanne Boyle, Cathy Grimes-Miller, Jeffra Leo and VAF assistant director Casey Steffan.
Women's Basketball
Reunion 2013
Seventeen former members of
the Virginia women's basketball
program, along with family and
guests, returned to Charlottesville
for their annual Women's Basketball Reunion Weekend held March
2‑3. Alumni and their guests enjoyed watching the women's team
practice on the main court at the
John Paul Jones Arena, which was
followed by a reception held in
the JPJ Tip-Off club. Head coach Former head coach Debbie Ryan was surrounded by women's
Joanne Boyle, her staff and the en- basketball alumnae (left to right) Cheryl Taylor, Jeffra Leo,
tire women's basketball team were Charleata Neal, Wendy Toussaint and Amy Gusky.
over Florida State later that afternoon. The Virpresent, greeting and mingling with returning
ginia Athletics Foundation is grateful to all who
alumni. On day two, alumni had the chance to
attended the reunion and appreciate their support
return to the court themselves at the alumni shoot
around and were then treated to a 72‑60 victory
of Virginia athletics.