Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football
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LOU SOMOGYI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Coman Publishing Company, publisher of Blue & Gold Illustrated and, has established the Lou Somogyi Memorial Scholarship at Notre Dame in memory of our dear friend and valued co-worker. It will benefit in order of priority: 1. South Bend-area students who transfer to Notre Dame from Holy Cross College. 2. Any student who transfers to Notre Dame from Holy Cross College. 3. Any Notre Dame student that has a financial need. Lou, a South Bend native, transferred to Notre Dame from Holy Cross College and was a supporter of both institutions. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Anyone can donate to the scholarship endowment in memory of Lou! Call 574-631-5150 or mail your donation to: University of Notre Dame Department of Development** 1100 Grace Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556 **Please be sure to DESIGNATE that your gift is for the "Lou Somogyi Memorial Scholarship" Donations can also be made online: NOTRE DAME WEBSITE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Visit 2. Choose One-time or Monthly gift at the top 3. Be sure to confirm that the designation shows: Lou Somogyi Memorial Scholarship 4. Enter the amount you'd like to contribute and complete the rest of the form Thank you for your gift!