Penn State Sports Magazine
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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 3 5 5 W W W . B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . C O M P enn State picked up a big com- mitment in its 2024 class with the addition of Philadelphia defen- sive end Mylachi Williams. A four-star player, Williams became the first edge rusher to join the class when he an- nounced his decision on July 8. Listed at 6-foot-3, 217 pounds, Wil- liams had a breakout season at Mon- signor Bonner and Archbishop Pren- dergast in 2022, totaling 68 tackles, including 28 for loss and 12 sacks. Penn State was the first Power Five program to extend an offer to Williams, doing so in January while he was on cam- pus for a junior day visit. He traveled to State College two more times, attending a spring practice session in March and taking an official visit in June. Both Pitt and Syracuse also earned official visits this summer, although it was always go- ing to be difficult for any school to beat out the Nittany Lions. To get to know Williams better, we caught up with Bonner-Prendergast head coach Jack Muldoon. BWI: When did you first learn about Mylachi and start working with him? Has he always been at Bonner-Prendergast? JACK MULDOON: I've known My- lachi since seventh grade. We live in a town called Drexel Hill. That's where the school is, and he played for the Drexel Hill Raiders, which is our local youth team. I got to watch him because my son, who's going to be a junior [this year], was on that same team when Mylachi was an eighth-grader. I've been watching him from that point forward. He was going to go to school up the street, to the public school here. He ended up doing a shadow day here and then decided to come to Bonner as a freshman. He actually wrote a letter to me, which his mom still has, just saying that he wanted to come play football here at Bonner and Prendie. I wrote some- thing back saying that I'd love to have you here, and that was that. He's been here the whole time, and we're certainly glad to have him. BWI: Last year was his breakout year, but I don't know much about his fresh- man and sophomore seasons. When did he start playing varsity for you guys? What was he like early on? PHILLY SPECIAL Coach Jack Muldoon has watched Mylachi Williams blossom into an elite edge rusher I N T E R V I E W J A C K M U L D O O N R Y A N S N Y D E R | R YA N. S N Y D E R @ O N 3 . C O M Penn State head coach James Franklin offered Williams a scholarship during a visit to campus in January, and the four- star defensive end accepted in July. PHOTO COURTESY WILLIAMS FAMILY