Blue White Illustrated

February 2024

Penn State Sports Magazine

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T om Allen hit the ground running as the new defensive coordinator at Penn State. The longtime col- lege football coach was cleared to talk to recruits on the night of Dec. 19. By the next morning, he was getting to know the Nittany Lions' 2024 signees, current members of the roster and the coaching staff. It was a swift transition for the 53-year-old Allen. After seven seasons as head coach at Indiana, he was dis- missed on Nov. 26. The New Castle, Ind., native was then hired by James Franklin in mid-December to succeed Manny Diaz at Penn State. When he spoke during an introductory news con- ference on Dec. 20, Allen made it clear he was thrilled about his new job and was ready to get going. Tom Allen has a lofty standard to uphold and a history of success to draw upon in his new role as PSU's defensive coordinator G R E G P I C K E L | G R E G . P I C K E L @ O N 3 . C O M Positive Pressure W W W . B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . C O M 3 4 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 4 THE DEFENSE Allen comes to Penn State after having served as a defensive specialist at Indiana, South Florida, Ole Miss and several other smaller colleges and high schools. PHOTO BY RYAN SNYDER

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