The Wolverine

February 2024

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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4 THE WOLVERINE ❱ FEBRUARY 2024 DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS I think that our opponents, the media and even those that follow our team don't understand how elite this defense is. The Miami defense of the '80s, even the Washington defense of '91 and Georgia of 2021 don't have what this Michigan defense has, IMO. Those teams were loaded with talent and were some of the best in college football history, but this defense has something different. It may not have the elite top end, but I'm not sure in my 54 years I have seen a more cohesive unit. They literally are 11 guys that work as 1! They have a few elite college players and plenty of NFL talent, but there is just something different about them. I have a feeling that Washington will do the same as Alabama and underestimate the team that they will see tonight. They know that Michigan is good, but until they line up across from them, they will have no idea of how good. This is a special team, and I fully expect a win tonight. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us. I'm not taking away anything from our offense and their incredible efficiency, but this defense is special. I've enjoyed every single game this year and anything can and will happen, but I'm expect- ing a win tonight! Go Blue! Ripnice TEAM 144: NATIONAL CHAMPIONS How the heck am I going to get to sleep, so excited. I was there in 1997 … it's been a long time. Go Blue! Waffull Fifty minutes of gut-wrenching, nail biting, nasty, hard-fighting football, and 10 minutes of jubilation to seal the deal. Thank you, Team 144! Go Blue!!! TrueBlueFanatic DREAM COME TRUE Dear Michigan football team, Thank you for allowing me to dream this year. And tonight, you made my dream come true. GO BLUE! northernwolverine Hail Yes!!! Thank you to every single kid on the team, the practice team, the coaches, the analysts and everyone in the program! We did it! GO BLUE!!! GRScott21 In tears … unbelievable … never thought I would see it in my lifetime … 15-0. ColKilgore An incredible season with an incredible group of young men! UmSwag22 With everything that transpired in college foot- ball … somehow, I never believed that Michigan would be able to get this done. This is pure joy. Blue Monster CORUM'S CHARACTER Woodson is a legend but Blake Corum … man, that kid just exemplifies every single thing (and I mean every single thing) that a great champion and hu- man being should be and act like. So humble, never entitled, man not sure what I can say about this kid. Will absolutely miss that kid — he is a legend! CoolRunnings Blake Corum is the finest all-around running back to ever play at Michigan. No RB, when factoring in athletic ability, work ethic and off-the-field char- acter, has come close IMO. He is the epitome of a Michigan Man. I have a feeling he will be back in A2 one day on a future staff. BiBimBap That young man is on my personal Mount Rush- more of the pantheon of Michigan players in my lifetime. Just the epitome of everything that U-M football embodies. Total warrior. Radblue He is a great human, the sports stuff is secondary. Dr. Wolverine SHOUTOUT TO THE DON! So happy for him and the team. Great game, remi- niscent of his monumental rushes in the 'Shoe. Go Blue! IrelandWolverine Really thought this year just wasn't going to be it for Donovan Edwards. But he is a warrior and champion. He came out and balled. Huge game, and if he doesn't come back … he's still a legend. OSU game and now tonight!!! Amazing. krs919 I thought he should have got offensive player of the game but can't really argue that Blake got it. Blue_J February 2024 • Vol. 35, No. 8 ISSN 1048-9940 Editor John Borton Editor Chris Balas Football Recruiting Editor EJ Holland Staff Writers Clayton Sayfie Anthony Broome Zach Libby Drew Hallett Contributing Editors Stu Coman Matt Herb Cathy Jones Chris Riffer Steve Downey Layout And Design Jeanette Blankenship Chris Miller Contributing Photographers Lon Horwedel Per Kjeldsen Dominick Sokotoff Gabriella Ceritano Cover Photos Dominick Sokotoff and Gabriella Ceritano Publisher Mark Panus Business Manager Linda Autry Circulation Manager Crystal Clayton Advertising Sales Maria Taustine (502) 552-4390 Customer Service Cathy Jones Stephanie Petchers (800) 421-7751 The Wolverine is published monthly. A one-year (12 issues) subscription is $69.99. The Wolverine is printed at The Papers in Milford, Ind. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Wolverine, P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702. Periodical postage paid at Durham, NC 27702 and additional offices. For advertising or subscription information, call 1-800-421-7751 or write The Wolverine, P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702. The Wolverine is a publication of Coman Publishing Company, 905 W. Main St., Suite 24F, Durham, NC 27701. E-Mail Address: Subscription questions: Website: ❱ Be Heard! Send your letters to: Wolverine Letters P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702 Or email: Letters may be edited for clarity or length. From Our Website: JOIN THE CONVERSATION! New subscribers get 25% off your first year! Use Promo Code GoBlue2024

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