The Wolfpacker

March-April 2024

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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4 ■ THE WOLFPACKER ■ WOLFPACK CLUB NEWS Member Notes In order to submit a picture to appear in The Wolfpacker, please send a high resolution photo with a caption as well as your Wolfpack Club member number to Donnell Priest at We will be happy to place it in an upcoming issue if we have enough room. However, we can only reserve space for Wolfpack Club members. Wolfpack faithful grandkids — Forrest, 5; Jesse, 9; Juliet, 12; and Scarlett, 7 — of Brent Sullivan ('75) and children of Lara Sullivan Krishnan ('10) from Southern Pines, N.C. Cousins Jim Beck (left) and Robert Willett enjoying time tailgating before the NC State vs. UNC game Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023. NC State crushed the Tar Heels, 39-20! Charles Finley Broyles at the Charleston Southern basketball game on Nov. 17, 2023, at PNC Arena. Charles and several other students were invited to that game in recognition of their selection as "Stars of Honor." Charles attends Joyner Elementary School in Raleigh. Charles is also one of the newest members of the Junior Wolfpack Club thanks to his grandfather, Robbie Broyles ('84). Allie Eldridge was born on March 16, 2023, in Charlotte. Her parents are Wolfpack Club member Thomas W. Eldridge and his wife Nikki, of Charlotte. Grandparents are 45-year Wolfpack Club members and alumni Tom ('78), and Cathy ('81) Eldridge of Raleigh, along with Aunt Alex Eldridge ('16) of Nashville, Tenn. JOINING THE WOLFPACK CLUB JOINING THE WOLFPACK CLUB The Wolfpack Club would like to welcome the following first-time members. These supporters joined between December 18, 2023 and February 9, 2024. THANK YOU FOR JOINING THE WOLFPACK CLUB FAMILY! Donald Allen Ralston Turner Megan & Bryan Carney Mark Coplon Hunter Potter Amy Hartshorn Travis Eason Eagleworthy, LLC Leota Wilson Shirley Ponder Matt Harr Brandon Shurr Amy Young Stephen Fox Michael Smith Abbie Davis Ashlyn Aaron James Lupher Jamie Lang Trey Smith Corie Davis Tiffany Parrish Matthew Connell Greg Cole Michael Kay Hampton Hand The Wolfpack Club accepts Discover, Visa, MasterCard, and Ameri- can Express, as well as checks and cash. In addition to these pay- ment preferences, we also offer both bank draft and recurring credit card payment options. If you have any questions, please call our offices at 919-865-1500. Thank you for all your support! All properties donated to the Wolfpack Club and the proceeds of a sale will be used for scholarships and/or Athletic Department Capital projects. Call Buzzy Correll: 919-865-1508 WOLFPACK CLUB W O L F PAC K W O L F PAC K C L U B L U B PR O PE R T Y R O PE R T Y Follow The Wolfpack Club!

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