The Wolfpacker

March-April 2024

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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46 ■ THE WOLFPACKER BY MATT HERB here was a time earlier in Katharine Berkoff's swim- ming career when success was yet another obstacle to overcome. The closer her goals seemed, the farther she would recede into a fog of worry and doubt. Berkoff had grown up wanting to be- come an Olympic gold medalist like her father, record-setting backstroke spe- cialist David Berkoff. She had developed into a sought-after recruit coming out of Hellgate High in Missoula, Mont., and while her competitive career was only just starting to take off, she was on the path to achieving her highest aims in the sport. First, though, she needed to find a way of relieving the intense pressure that would build up periodically. That's where NC State came in. If Berkoff has learned anything during her decorated five-year career with the Wolf- pack, it's that there are ways of relieving the burden created by one's own expec- tations. "I've always had the same goals ever since I started swimming," she said. "I wanted to make the Olympics and win gold. Once I started getting closer to that, it became scary. It was just too much pressure. A PERFECT FIT At NC State, Backstroker Katharine Berkoff Found Just What She Needed In Order To Reach Her Elite Potential T

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