The Wolverine

2024 Football Previw

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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138 ■ THE WOLVERINE 2024 FOOTBALL PREVIEW RUSHING ............... G ATT. GAIN LOST NET AVG. TD LONG YDS./G Corum, Blake ............15 258 1265 20 1245 4.8 27 59 83.0 Edwards, Donovan ...15 119 511 14 497 4.2 5 46 33.1 Mullings, Kalel ..........13 36 223 1 222 6.2 1 23 17.1 McCarthy, J.J. ............15 64 359 157 202 3.2 3 22 13.5 Orji, Alex ....................6 15 91 5 86 5.7 1 20 14.3 Hall, Benjamin ...........3 15 70 1 69 4.6 0 19 23.0 Morgan, Semaj .........15 4 67 0 67 16.8 2 44 4.5 Johnson, Cornelius ...15 3 40 0 40 13.3 0 26 2.7 Tuttle, Jack.................6 4 35 0 35 8.8 0 18 5.8 Franklin, Leon ...........14 11 34 1 33 3.0 1 9 2.4 Dunlap, Tavierre .......10 5 21 0 21 4.2 0 7 2.1 Denegal, Jayden ........6 4 10 0 10 2.5 0 8 1.7 Wilson, Roman .........15 1 10 0 10 10.0 0 10 0.7 Hughes, Danny .........12 2 8 0 8 4.0 0 6 0.7 Stokes, C.J. .................2 4 9 1 8 2.0 0 7 4.0 Cabana, Cole .............1 2 6 0 6 3.0 0 5 6.0 Donohue, Henry ........4 1 3 0 3 3.0 0 3 0.8 Warren, Davis ............3 2 4 8 -4 -2.0 0 4 -1.3 TEAM ........................15 13 0 22 -22 -1.7 0 0 -1.5 Total ........................15 563 2766 230 2536 4.5 40 59 169.1 Opponent................15 450 1770 420 1350 3.0 9 74 90.0 PASSING .......... G ATT. COM. PCT. INT. YARDS TD LONG YDS./G McCarthy, J.J. ...... 15 332 240 72.3 4 2991 22 54 199.4 Tuttle, Jack ........... 6 17 15 88.2 0 130 1 24 21.7 Denegal, Jayden .. 6 5 4 80.0 0 50 1 35 8.3 Edwards, Donovan 15 1 1 100.0 0 34 0 34 2.3 Orji, Alex .............. 6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Warren, Davis ...... 3 5 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0 . 0 TEAM .................. 15 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total ................... 15 361 260 72.0 5 3205 24 54 213.7 Opponent .......... 15 415 229 55.2 18 2355 8 69 157.0 RECEIVING .................G REC. YARDS AVG. TD LONG YDS./G Wilson, Roman ............ 15 48 789 16.4 12 47 52.6 Loveland, Colston ........ 15 45 649 14.4 4 54 43.3 Johnson, Cornelius ...... 15 47 604 12.9 1 50 40.3 Barner, AJ..................... 15 22 249 11.3 1 22 16.6 Edwards, Donovan ....... 15 30 249 8.3 0 37 16.6 Morgan, Semaj ............ 15 22 204 9.3 2 35 13.6 Morris, Tyler ................ 15 13 197 15.2 1 38 13.1 Corum, Blake ............... 15 16 117 7.3 1 27 7.8 Clemons, Darrius ......... 11 3 33 11.0 0 19 3.0 Mullings, Kalel ............. 13 2 32 16.0 0 19 2.5 Bredeson, Max ............ 15 2 19 9.5 0 14 1.3 Moore, Fredrick ........... 13 4 32 8.0 0 10 2.5 O'Leary, Peyton ............ 9 2 13 6.5 1 8 1.4 Klein, Marlin ................ 10 1 8 8.0 0 8 0.8 Franklin, Leon .............. 14 1 6 6.0 0 6 0.4 English, Karmello .......... 6 1 4 4.0 1 4 0.7 Hall, Benjamin .............. 3 1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Total ........................... 15 260 3205 12.3 24 54 213.7 Opponent ................... 15 229 2355 10.3 8 69 157.0 TOTAL OFFENSE ................G RUSH PASS TOTAL YDS./G McCarthy, J.J. ...................... 15 202 2991 3193 212.9 Corum, Blake ...................... 15 1245 0 1245 83.0 Edwards, Donovan .............. 15 497 34 531 35.4 Mullings, Kalel .................... 13 222 0 222 17.1 Tuttle, Jack ........................... 6 35 130 165 27.5 Orji, Alex .............................. 6 86 0 86 14.3 Hall, Benjamin ..................... 3 69 0 69 23.0 Morgan, Semaj ................... 15 67 0 67 4.5 Denegal, Jayden ................... 6 10 50 60 10.0 Johnson, Cornelius ............. 15 40 0 40 2.7 Franklin, Leon ..................... 14 33 0 33 2.4 Dunlap, Tavierre ................. 10 21 0 21 2.1 Wilson, Roman ................... 15 10 0 10 0.7 Hughes, Danny ................... 12 8 0 8 0.7 Stokes, C.J. ........................... 2 8 0 8 4.0 Cabana, Cole ........................ 1 6 0 6 6.0 Donohue, Henry .................. 4 3 0 3 0.8 Warren, Davis ...................... 3 -4 0 -4 -1.3 TEAM .................................. 15 -22 0 -22 -1.5 Total .................................. 15 2536 3205 5741 382.7 Opponent .......................... 15 1350 2355 3705 247.0 ALL-PURPOSE ............. G RUSH REC PR KR IR TOTAL YDS./G Corum, Blake ................. 15 1245 117 0 0 0 1362 90.8 Wilson, Roman .............. 15 10 789 0 0 0 799 53.3 Edwards, Donovan ......... 15 497 249 0 0 0 746 49.7 Loveland, Colston .......... 15 0 649 0 0 0 649 43.3 Johnson, Cornelius ........ 15 40 604 0 0 0 644 42.9 Morgan, Semaj .............. 15 67 204 101 186 0 558 37.2 Morris, Tyler .................. 15 0 197 88 0 0 285 19.0 Mullings, Kalel ............... 13 222 32 0 26 0 280 21.5 Barner, AJ....................... 15 0 249 0 0 0 249 16.6 Sainristil, Mike ............... 15 0 0 0 0 232 232 15.5 McCarthy, J.J. ................. 15 202 0 0 0 0 202 13.5 Thaw, Jake ..................... 15 0 0 101 16 0 117 7.8 Orji, Alex ......................... 6 86 0 0 0 0 86 14.3 Johnson, Will ................. 12 0 0 0 0 80 80 6.7 Hall, Benjamin ................ 3 69 0 0 0 0 69 23.0 Sabb, Keon ..................... 14 0 0 0 0 56 56 4.0 Franklin, Leon ................ 14 33 6 0 0 0 39 2.8 Moore, Rod .................... 12 0 0 0 0 38 38 3.2 Tuttle, Jack ...................... 6 35 0 0 0 0 35 5.8 Clemons, Darrius ........... 11 0 33 0 0 0 33 3.0 Bredeson, Max .............. 15 0 19 0 10 0 29 1.9 Dunlap, Tavierre ............ 10 21 0 0 0 0 21 2.1 Moore, Fredrick ............. 13 0 32 0 0 0 32 2.5 Boivin, Christian............. 15 0 0 14 0 0 14 0.9 O'Leary, Peyton .............. 9 0 13 0 0 0 13 1.4 Taylor, Joe ...................... 15 0 0 0 13 0 13 0.9 English, Karmello ............ 6 0 4 8 0 0 12 2.0 Denegal, Jayden .............. 6 10 0 0 0 0 10 1.7 Jenkins, Kris ................... 15 0 0 0 0 9 9 0.6 Hughes, Danny .............. 12 8 0 0 0 0 8 0.7 Klein, Marlin .................. 10 0 8 0 0 0 8 0.8 Stokes, C.J. ...................... 2 8 0 0 0 0 8 4.0 Cabana, Cole ................... 1 6 0 0 0 0 6 6.0 McBurrows, Ja'Den ........ 11 0 0 0 0 5 5 0.5 Donohue, Henry ............. 4 3 0 0 0 0 3 0.8 Johnson, Quinten .......... 15 0 0 0 0 2 2 0.1 Grant, Kenneth .............. 15 0 0 0 0 -3 -3 -0.2 Warren, Davis ................. 3 -4 0 0 0 0 -4 -1.3 TEAM ............................. 15 -22 0 0 0 0 -22 -1.5 Total .............................15 2536 3205 312 251 419 6723 448.2 Opponent .....................15 1350 2355 73 314 51 4143 276.2 PUNT RETURNS .......... G NO. YARDS AVG. TD LONG YDS./G Thaw, Jake ..................... 15 16 101 6.3 0 32 6.7 Morgan, Semaj .............. 15 3 101 33.7 0 87 6.7 Morris, Tyler .................. 15 9 88 9.8 0 30 5.9 Boivin, Christian............. 15 1 14 14.0 0 14 0.9 English, Karmello ............ 6 1 8 8.0 0 8 1.3 TEAM ............................. 15 1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Total .............................15 31 312 10.1 0 87 20.8 Opponent .....................15 11 73 6.6 0 22 4.9 KICK RETURNS ............ G NO. YARDS AVG. TD LONG YDS./G Morgan, Semaj .............. 15 12 186 15.5 0 28 12.4 Mullings, Kalel ............... 13 1 26 26.0 0 26 2.0 Thaw, Jake ..................... 15 1 16 16.0 0 16 1.1 Taylor, Joe ...................... 15 1 13 13.0 0 13 0.9 Bredeson, Max .............. 15 1 10 10.0 0 10 0.7 McGregor, Braiden ........ 15 1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Total .............................15 17 251 14.8 0 28 16.7 Opponent .....................15 19 314 16.5 0 28 20.9 PUNTING .................... G NO. AVG. LONG BLK. TB FC 50+ I20 Doman, Tommy ............. 15 53 44.3 71 0 4 26 12 18 Total .............................15 53 44.3 71 0 4 26 12 18 Opponent .....................15 80 45.0 75 1 5 20 25 16 FIELD GOALS ............... G MADE ATT. LONG BLK. Turner, James ................. 15 21 18 50 0 Samaha, Adam ............... 1 0 0 0 0 TEAM ............................. 15 0 0 0 0 Total .............................15 21 18 50 0 Opponent .....................15 18 13 54 0 2023 MICHIGAN FOOTBALL CUMULATIVE STATISTICS

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