Blue White Illustrated

December 2013

Penn State Sports Magazine

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TODAY STATE FOOTBALL SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR COMPLETE 2013 PENN STATE FOOTBALL COVERAGE! PRESENTS Bill O'Brien – One Team O'Brien Team M O N T H L Y R E P O R T F E B R U A R Y N E W S L E T T E R NEWSLETTE NEWSLETTE TER UPDAT UPDATE E With the 2 h 012 f ootball se a ason rearview m in the irror and s pring prac r around th tice right he corner , Blue Whi te Illustra will distru ted bute at le ast one d newslette igital r to our su bscribers Expect to each mon see a new th. sletter in the dates your emai listed belo l at e w. And remembe newslette er, all rs and ma gazines a at bluewh re archive iteonline.c d om. • MARCH • MARCH A HEAD OF THE CLA SS Flanked by ents, Erick his parand Hackenberg Nikki, signs his letter of inte nt. 6 20 • APRIL 17 • APRIL 20 $4.00 1 12 MON LY ISSUES 2 MONTHLY MONTHLY NTHL S DELIVERED TO YOU 30-32 NEWSLETTERS N & EMAILED TO YOU TO YOU OR AT BL UEWHITEONLINE .COM AT BLUEWHITEONLINE.COM Complete In-depth Coverage: In-depth pth BWI XPRESS BWe g a m e p r BWI XPRESS BWI WI ARCHIVED ISS ISSUES at w w whit eo m SS SUES One Year (12 Issues): Year Subscribe by phone at: +30-32 Emailed Online Newsletters 1.800.282.1629 $53 or online at: Mail Subscription Order To: To o: Blue White Illustrated PO Box 1272 State College, PA 16804 PA or by fax at: w. 814.231.2160 Football Football game stories and analysis stories analysis emailed Saturday night or Sunday Saturday night Sunday BWI s e a s o n BW - XPRESS off Special Feature Issues: Breaking news on the upcoming Breaking news upcoming football game emailed Wednesday football Wednesday postgame Available The Best Recruiting Info Available Recruiting Interviews with the Recruits Themselves Recruiting "Hot Lists" and Much More! Recruiting,, football,, basketball,, wrestling Recruiting football basketball wrestling football & breaking news during the off-season breaking news during Please be sure to give your email address to receive our BWI Xpress Newsletter BWI YES! I want to subscribe to Blue White Illustrated Name: Phone#: Address: City: State: Email: Payment (circle one): Check/MO Visa Mastercard Discover Payment Card Number: Address (if different from above) Make Checks Payable to: Blue White Illustrated Payable Expiration: Zip:

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