The Wolverine

April 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIPS: MEN'S SWIMMING With a sport like swimming, in which individuals are pitted against racers from other teams in stand-alone events, it's sometimes hard to remember that it's truly a team competition. But the Wolverines have fully embraced what it means to be a team, racing for each other instead of racing for themselves. Senior Connor Jaeger, who won Big Ten titles in the 500-yard freestyle, the 1,650-yard freestyle and the 800-yard freestyle relay to bring his career individual championship total to nine, wasn't as excited about his own success at the 2014 Big Ten Championships as he was about the team's performance. Over the course of the four-day event Feb. 26-March 1 in Ann Arbor, the Wolverines smashed the competition, scoring 889 points to win their fourth straight conference crown. Second-place Indiana scored 564 points. Total Team Effort Produces Fourth Straight Conference Crown The Wolverines claimed the program's 38th all-time Big Ten championship, scoring 889 points and far outpacing second-place Indiana (564 points). PHOTO COURTESY MICHIGAN ATHLETIC MEDIA RELATIONS

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