The Wolverine

2014 Michigan Football Preview

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THE WOLVERINE 2014 FOOTBALL PREVIEW ■ 239 YEAR BY YEAR 1890 Coach: None Captain: William C. Malley Season Record: 4-1 Date Rank Opponent Site Result Oct. 11 Albion H W 56-10 Oct. 18 Detroit A.C. A W 18-0 Oct. 25 Albion H W 16-0 Nov. 1 Purdue H W 34-6 Nov. 15 Cornell 1 L 5-20 Total Points 129-36 1 - Detroit, Michigan 1891 Coaches: Mike Murphy and Frank Crawford Captain: James Van Inwagen Season Record: 4-5 Date Rank Opponent Site Result Oct. 10 Ann Arbor H.S. H W 62-0 Oct. 17 Albion H L 4-10 Oct. 19 Olivet A W 18-6 Oct. 24 Oberlin H W 26-6 Oct. 31 Butler H W 42-6 Nov. 14 Chicago A.C. A L 0-10 Nov. 21 Cornell 1 L 12-58 Nov. 26 Cleveland A.A. A L 4-8 Nov. 28 Cornell 2 L 0-10 Total Points 168-114 1 - Detroit, Michigan 2 - Chicago, Illinois 1892 Coach: Frank Barbour Captain: George B. Dygert Season Record: 7-5 Date Rank Opponent Site Result Oct. 8 Michigan A.A. H W 74-0 Oct. 12 Michigan A.A. 1 W 68-0 Oct. 15 Wisconsin A W 10-6 Oct. 17 Minnesota A L 6-14 Oct. 22 DePauw 2 W 18-0 Oct. 24 Purdue A L 0-24 Oct. 29 Northwestern 3 L 8-10 Nov. 5 Albion H W 60-8 Nov. 8 Cornell A L 0-44 Nov. 12 Chicago 4 W 18-10 Nov. 19 Oberlin H W 26-24 Nov. 22 Cornell 1 L 10-30 Total Points 298-170 1 - Detroit, Michigan 2 - Indianapolis, Indiana 3 - 25th Street Field, Chicago, Illinois 4 - Toledo, Ohio 1893 Coach: Frank Barbour Captain: George B. Dygert Season Record: 7-3 Date Rank Opponent Site Result Oct. 7 Detroit A.C. H W 6-0 Oct. 14 Detroit A.C. A W 26-0 Oct. 21 Chicago A L 6-10 Oct. 28 Minnesota H L 20-34 Nov. 4 Wisconsin H L 18-34 Nov. 11 Purdue A W 46-8 Nov. 13 DePauw A W 34-0 Nov. 18 Northwestern H W 72-6 Nov. 25 Kansas 1 W 22-0 Nov. 30 Chicago A W 28-10 Total Points 278-102 1 - Kansas City, Missouri 1894 Coach: William McCauley Captain: James Baird Season Record: 9-1-1 Date Rank Opponent Site Result Oct. 6 Mich Mil Acad H T 12-12 Oct. 13 Albion H W 26-10 Oct. 17 Olivet H W 48-0 Oct. 21 Mich Mil Acad H W 40-6 Oct. 24 Adrian H W 46-0 Oct. 28 Case A W 18-8 Nov. 3 Cornell A L 0-22 Nov. 10 Kansas 1 W 22-12 Nov. 17 Oberlin H W 14-6 Nov. 24 Cornell 2 W 12-4 Nov. 29 Chicago A W 6-4 Total Points 244-84 1 - Kansas City, Missouri 2 - D.A.C. Park, Detroit, Michigan 1895 Coach: William McCauley Captain: Fred Henninger Season Record: 8-1 Date Rank Opponent Site Result Oct. 5 Mich Mil Acad H W 34-0 Oct. 12 Detroit A.C. H W 42-0 Oct. 19 Adelbert H W 64-0 Oct. 26 Rush Lake Forest H W 40-0 Nov. 2 Oberlin H W 42-0 Nov. 9 Harvard A L 0-4 Nov. 16 Purdue H W 12-10 Nov. 23 Minnesota 1 W 20-0 Nov. 28 Chicago A W 12-0 Total Points 266-14 1 - Base Ball Park, Detroit, Michigan ALL-TIME SCORES The following year-by-year scores are believed to be an accurate record of the outcomes of all Ameri- can football games played by the University of Michigan varsity team since 1879. In analyzing the data presented within, the game-by-game format is as follows: 1 2/3 4 5 6 7 Oct. 10 7/9 Michigan State A W 17-10 From the example given above, the items left to right are: (1) the date of the game; (2) Michigan's Associated Press national ranking heading into the game; (3) the opponent's AP ranking heading into the game; (4) the name of the opponent; (5) the site of the game; (6) the result of the game; (7) the score of the game, with Michigan's score listed first. Other symbols, such as 1, 2, etc., in the site column indicate games played at a neutral site. A foot- note at the bottom of each season lists the site of each neutral site game that year. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS: 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1918, 1923, 1932, 1933, 1947, 1948, 1997. CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIPS: 1898, 1901, '02, '03, '04, '06, '18, '22, '23, '25, '26, '30, '31, '32, '33, '43, '47, '48, '49, '50, '64, '69, '71, '72, '73, '74, '76, '77, '78, '80, '82, '86, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92, '97, '98, 2000, '03, '04. Key to Abbreviations (Note: Preseason poll ranking given only if different from ranking going into first game of season) SCORING VALUES Seasons Touchdown Field Goal Extra Point 1882 2 points 5 points 4 points 1883–1887 4 points 5 points 4 points 1888–1897 4 points 5 points 2 points 1898–1903 5 points 5 points 1 point 1904–1908 5 points 4 points 1 point 1909–1911 5 points 3 points 1 point 1912–1957 6 points 3 points 1 point 1958–present 6 points 3 points 1 point/kick 2 points/run or pass 1988–present 2 points/defense — Courtesy U-M Sports Information W-L-T — Game won, lost, or tied H — Home game A — Game played at opponent's home field 1 — Game played at a neutral site, see footnote for city E — Exhibition game HC — Michigan's Homecoming game nt — Night game; played after 5 p.m. local time t — Tie in rankings 238-253.Year By Year.indd 239 6/19/14 12:08 PM

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