The Wolverine

October 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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Page 86 of 147

screening and getting to the rim. That was encouraging." The rookies contributed better than 30 points in all four games, and would average 40.3 for the four-game set. "Kam on the right side was a basi- cally what we had envisioned," Meyer said. "We were able to run actions through him. He made nice plays for his teammates and showed the ability to make shots. His midrange shot off the ball screen, his ability to drive the ball and finish … he was on point in terms of what we had hoped for as a staff. "Both Aubrey and Muhammad came off the bench and provided instant offense, and did that consis- tently. Aubrey made his first shot all four times he stepped on the floor, and he did it within a minute of step- ping on the floor. He was a lot like what we saw Zak Irvin do for our team a year ago. "Muhammad has the ability to drive the ball, draw contact and get to the free throw line — he can just score the ball with the shot clock run- ning down. We, as a staff ,really didn't know, but we found out quickly he has the ability to make plays and fin- ish plays." Doyle and Donnal, meanwhile, both showed signs that the center po- sition should be okay even with the loss of fifth-year senior Jordan Mor- gan and sophomore Mitch McGary. "Mark showed he can run the floor and flashes of being very able to fin- ish the ball in transition," Meyer said. "Around the basket he was catching the ball with two hands and sticking it in the basket. "He and Ricky were certainly effec- tive and perhaps even ahead of sched- ule with their ability to catch the ball Michigan won all four contests on the trip to Italy, scoring at least 93 points in every matchup, and posting an average margin of victory of 37.5 points per game. PHOTO BY TOM WYWROT/ COURTESY U-M SPORTS INFORMATION

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