Blue and Gold Illustrated

December 2014 Issue

Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football

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UNDER THE DOME past two seasons with shoulder problems. Those are the uncer- tainties that don't pro- vide complete clarity yet to scholarship counts. There have been many years recently where there was handwring- ing about not having enough spots on the ros- ter for potential recruits. What ended up happen- ing instead is there was still room for prospec- tive fifth-year seniors who weren't expected to return but did, includ- ing wide receiver John Goodman in 2012, nose guard Tyler Stockton in 2013 and defensive tackle Justin Utupo this season. Utupo has seen regular action on the young defense this sea- son and started versus Louisville Nov. 22. K e l l y a l s o i n v i t e d holder/receiver Luke Massa for a fifth season, but he opted for an ex- cellent business oppor- tunity — and everyone in 2014 suddenly better appreciated the value of a holder during the sea- son. Seldom have we ever seen Notre Dame have to turn away a top pros- pect who wants to come here. If it really wants him, space generally will be found. It has been a greater issue to get to 85 full scholarships than getting past 85. ✦ Nickel back Matthias Farley would provide much experience to the 2015 defense if he wishes to return for a fifth season. PHOTO BY BILL PANZICA

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