Cavalier Corner

April 2015

Cavalier Corner is the publication just for UVa sports fans!

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Dear Cavalier Fans, The start of our 2015 fundraising year creates a flurry of activity in the VAF office. In February, we mailed our annual membership guide, which explains why your support is so im- portant to the success of Virginia athletics. I hope you have had a chance to read through the materials. We're busy planning our Spring Social Tour and all the events we'll host throughout the year. Football seating and parking activities are in full swing and our development team is on the road visiting with many of you in your hometowns. This is also one of our favorite times of the year when student-athletes from vari- ous teams visit the VAF office to enjoy a light dinner with members of our staff, and then take time to call hundreds of donors or write notes to thank them for their sup- port. They will tell you it is a rewarding experience for them to have the opportunity to talk directly with a fan that provides them extraordinary opportunities to study and participate in the sport they love at the University of Virginia. In coordination with the VAF annual campaign, Virginia athletics announced the All In For Excellence fundraising initiative in support of student-athlete benefits that are now permissible within the NCAA. This multi-phase effort is designed to elevate overall fundraising levels to meet the new realities of recently passed NCAA legislation, while positioning UVa to maintain a nationally competitive athletics department. The most immediate impact of the new legislation is the ability to offer scholarships to include the full cost of attendance. These benefits are designed to en- hance each student-athlete's experience but will require a new level of contributions to fund the additional costs. A full description of the cost of attendance scholarship funding can be found on pages 12-13. Subsequent articles will feature other aspects of the All In For Excellence fundraising initiative. We also kicked off the 'Hoos With Us initiative in March with two weeks of mem- bership madness. If you haven't participated this year, please help us recruit new VAF members from among your friends and family. At the same time, you'll earn additional priority points. As we think about significantly increasing our membership, we thought you might like to see the number of donors in each VAF giving level in 2014.

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