Blue White Illustrated

October 2015

Penn State Sports Magazine

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that Rivals gave him the coveted fifth star. He's now fifth overall in the nation and the top-ranked cornerback for his class. Wade has already earned scholarship o=ers from 14 schools, a list that includes Auburn, Michigan, Ohio State, Pitt, Ten- nessee and West Virginia. His o=er sheet is expected to grow substantially later this fall and into the winter. The Nittany Lions appear to be in his top er visiting in the summer, Clif- ford and Bockhorst returned to watch the Nittany Lions take on Rutgers, and the experience made a big impression on the three-star lineman. "It was an awesome visit, top to bottom," Bockhorst said. "It was well-run. The re- cruiting sta= was great. Even when the rain came, I still had a great time. I think there are two things that really stand out to me about Penn State, and one of them is Coach Franklin. His personality is great. He's di=erent from other college coaches. He's really personable. He's really ap- proachable. You can tell that he's the kind of guy you want to play for. He doesn't have to yell at you for you to want to play hard for him. "Another thing is Coach [Herb] Hand. I think I'm a pretty intense person during games, and Coach Hand

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