Blue White Illustrated

October 2015

Penn State Sports Magazine

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SIGN FROM ABOVE Millen swoops down on Ohio State quarterback Art Schlichter. Pho- to courtesy of Penn State Ath- letics These Penn State greats had a mean streak I n watching the Penn State football team over the past several years, there is a missing ingredient that once made opponents wary and had the Nit- tany Lion coaches occasionally cringing. Meanness. I'm not talking about being "cruel, spiteful, or malicious," as one dictionary defines the word. "Causing trouble," is the definition in Webster's Dictionary that best describes my reference point. Perhaps the absence of meanness is the result of the scandal that erupted in the fall of 2011 and the continuing pub- lic animosity toward Penn State since then. The university and especially the football team have been under intense scrutiny for four years. And despite the emergence of facts that increasingly discredit the Freeh report and the NCAA sanctions that followed, all it takes is one obscure incident on cam- pus or on the field to bring out the anti-Penn State mob again. Actually, the lack of meanness pre- dates the scandal and has no bearing on toughness, passion and a willingness to hit hard. A lot of players have those at- tributes. Tamba Hali, Paul Posluszny and Dan Connor had them, and all three became All-Americans. But they weren't mean. Nor am I equating meanness with a dirty, over-the-top playing style exem- plified by Nebraska's Richie Incognito HISTORY

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