Blue White Illustrated

November 2017

Penn State Sports Magazine

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P E N N S T A T E F O O T B A L L >> evant program last year, and Haley had played a big role in their rise when he re- turned a blocked an upset victory over the second-ranked Buckeyes. That play, he admitted, was a result of his simply being in the right place at the right time. But his shining moment in the Big Ten Championship Game was di>erent. On that play, Haley stopped Wisconsin's Corey Clement short of the erent story. Same thing with Wiscon- sin. If I was a second late or Marcus wasn't there to , you never know what the outcome would have been. You always think about that." Haley acknowledged the conect on Penn State's program, but the veteran cornerback ex- udes modesty in conversation. "I'm never satis," Haley said, "so we just wanted to create our importance in Penn State's his- tory. I think we've [taken] a great step." Nobody has had a better view of Penn State's progress in the secondary than quarterback Trace McSorley, who com- petes against Haley and the rest of the de- fensive backs in practice. McSorley said the cornerback's, speed, physicality and atten- tion to detail make it nearly impossible for opposing wide receivers to shake him. "Grant always came in with that mind- set that he has really good technique," McSorley said. "He was never the big COMING UP BIG Haley exults after scoring what would turn out to be the winning touchdown against Ohio State last season. His 60- yard return fol- lowed a blocked field goal by Marcus Allen. Photo by Steve Manuel

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