Blue White Illustrated

November 2017

Penn State Sports Magazine

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the makeup of the nonconference schedule that we had. We had to push Duquesne to the following year because it didn't work out with scheduling. … It's going to be unique and different. I believe the foreign tour helps us. I think we were very fortunate to have those 10 practices, have those two games, an- other practice down there in the Ba- hamas. I think that set us up to be a little bit ahead of most teams in the country, especially in the Big Ten. BWI Fans this year might have the highest expectations that they've had in your tenure. Is there pressure on you, and what is your mentality toward this season? CHAMBERS You know what I'm going to say. Every year I've been here, I'm the one who puts the most pressure on my- self. Sandy [Barbour] has been awesome, the president [Eric Barron] has been awesome. I put the most pressure on myself and really, going into this year, I'm looking forward to seeing the devel- opment of this team, seeing the progress of this team, seeing the progress of my staff. Obviously I made adjustments there with Jimmy Ferry being here now. See- ing some wrinkles that we're going to put in and seeing how all this comes to- gether [is exciting]. My thing this year is joy. I'm going to find so much joy and excitement. This isn't going to be a relief for me this year. Sometimes when you win, it's a relief. Not me. I'm going to enjoy the successes, I'm going to enjoy the wins. I'm excited about the group we have. The word for me is joy this season be- cause I can't worry about what I can't control. I can only worry about my preparation and what I do for this team and how I prepare them to compete and get better and play every single night in the Big Ten. And I know I'm going to do that. So [given] the experiences that we had last year, I think we're going to find a lot of success this year. The expecta- tions should be where they are. BWI What do you not know about your team that you're eager to find out? CHAMBERS We always say adversity and challenges, but I saw a little glimpse of it in that first foreign tour game where we were down 13. There were some things I put in in huddles, and they executed them beautifully. So I think it always comes back to leader- ship. Who is going to really emerge? Is it going to be one or two guys? Is it going to be a group of guys who emerge? Talent can get you 15 to 16 [victories], leadership can get you 19 to 20 if you add it. Discipline, holy cow, if you add that, you're talking 23 to 24. So I'm just focused on, OK, we have the talent that's level with the Big Ten, now let's get disciplined. But I think for me, I'm looking forward to seeing the emerging leaders. ■ FANTASTIC CUISINE EXCEP TIONAL ATMOSPHERE Colleg W ve Av . College & Cato | 814.234.2424 Corner of C Corner of Cricklewood Dr. and Toftrees Ave. | 814.234.2424 . Colleg W. College & Cato 814.861.3463 ve Av . College & Cato 814.861.3463

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