Blue White Illustrated

September 2018

Penn State Sports Magazine

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M arquis Wilson became the 5rst of two Connecticut defensive backs to join Penn State's Class of 2019 when he announced on May 20 that he had chosen the Nittany Lions from a pool of more than 20 o6ers. A four-star prospect from Windsor, the 6-foot-0, 175-pound Wilson picked the Lions over Syracuse, Iowa and Ne- braska, becoming part of a late-spring recruiting windfall. In the days leading up to his announcement, the Lions had received commitments from safety JaQuan Brisker and running back Devyn Ford, and one day a8er Wilson revealed his choice, he was joined in PSU's class by defensive back Tyler Rudolph, a fel- low Connecticut resident with whom Wilson had roomed during his o7cial visit to University Park on Blue-White Weekend in late April. Wilson recently took the time to dis- cuss his recruitment with BWI's Ryan Snyder. Here's what he had to say: BWI What were some of the key rea- sons you chose Penn State over the other schools that o6ered? WILSON I would have to say the rela- tionships that they built with not just me, but everyone around me. That really had a big impact. Penn State went out of their way to get to know everyone that I really care about. Whether it was my mom, my dad, my mentors or the people who have coached me and trained me over the years. They just got to know everyone who was close with me. That really showed me and my family that they really care about me. That was one of the big things, maybe the biggest thing. Also, I just clicked with their coaching sta6. Our relationship never felt like they were my coaches. When we talked, I felt like I was talking to my family, whether it be my uncles or my cousins or [whomever]. It just felt di6erent, which says a lot because I built great relation- ships with coaches at other schools, too. BWI Were there one or two coaches who you got to know really well, or were you speaking with the entire coaching sta6 throughout your recruitment? WILSON I talked to everyone. I really did. Whether it was Coach [Tim] Banks, Coach [Justin] King or Coach [Terry] Smith, I was talking to all of them. I also liked that it was always a di6erent con- versation with the di6erent coaches. It wasn't always just them trying to sell me on Penn State. That really helped me be- come comfortable with them, and it showed me that they care about me, and about more than just me being a good football player for them. Also, I didn't mention Coach [James] Franklin. Coach Franklin was always speaking with me when he got the chance. It was always a new conversation, always about more than football. I felt like that allowed me to really get to know them. BWI What was it about your future po- sition coach, Terry Smith, that you re- ally liked? WILSON His honesty was one of the 5rst things that really stood out to me. From the 5rst time I talked to him, he was telling me how it is at Penn State and what I can expect. There wasn't anything that he never explained to me that I had to 5nd out later during a visit or what- ever. He was never just telling me what I wanted to hear. He was always telling me what I needed to hear. When we would be in the DB room talking about football, he was always honest with me about how I 5t in and how they would use me, whether I liked it or not. When I would talk about it with my parents then, we would always talk about how he was real I N T E R V I E W M A R Q U I S W I L S O N They care about me, and about more than just me being a good football player' ' DECISION TIME A four-star cornerback from Windsor, Conn., Wilson received more than 20 offers be- fore choosing the Lions over Syracuse, Iowa and Nebraska. Photo courtesy of

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