The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports
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4 THE WOLVERINE AUGUST 2019 FOOTBALL PREVIEW ERROR Dear The Wolverine, There is a conflict between page 135 and page 148 as to which team won the first game between Michi- gan and Notre Dame 8-0. I was there and can attest to the fact that Michigan won. Please issue a retraction. Jerry A. Fullmer Cleveland Mr. Fullmer, You are correct. We regret that this embarrassing error happened. Thanks for reading and doing so with the utmost attention. MICHIGAN FOOTBALL SHOULD NOT GO TO CUBA Dear The Wolverine, I want to share my take on the uni- versity's travel plans for the football team next spring. I hear Cuba is next up after the team's successful trip to South Africa. I urge U-M to take the team elsewhere. Before I go further, I want to con- gratulate U-M. The team's travel is expanding the boundaries of what is possible by way of rich and meaning- ful learning experiences for college student-athletes. Also, I should mention how the idea of a trip to Cuba for the team I love (I am a U-M grad) poses a dilemma for me as a scholar. As a son of parents who fled Cuba, the trip forces me to confront negative views about the Cu- ban government that I am predisposed to holding. Scholars are people, too, so by dis- closing my bias upfront, hopefully our discussion can proceed unimpeded. More importantly, my connection to Cuba brings an important perspective to the fore that can help shed light on where U-M might take the team next. My parents risked everything to give their children a better life — the oppor- tunity to grow up and live in an open society where the future unfolds from the contest of ideas, people's dreams and the courage people show (often against great odds) as they connect with others to build a world around them. This is the democratic spirit that American universities help nurture and grow. The spirit is precisely what the Cuba government fears most and works ev- ery day to suppress. The perils of con- fronting such a grave abuse of power is an indelible lesson that players will likely learn by going to Cuba, acting like the reality there matters little. The weight institutions carry should not be lost on U-M. Universities repre- sent an important cultural force. They play a powerful role in legitimating standards of behavior for society to follow. Land-grant colleges and universi- ties (Michigan, the University of Texas, etc.) are a legacy of America's com- mitment to the development of the people's civic capacities. This despite the tragic racial restrictions, specifi- cally in the South, which sadly would take additional generations to work out after Congress' passage of the Mor- rill Acts creating America's system of land-grant institutions. American universities should be the forefront of the movement to rekindle democracy, not the tourist fad that in- volves cozying up to repressive sys- tems of state power. The splendor of Cuba (its history and people) is a treasure worth learn- August 2019 • Vol. 30, No. 12 ISSN 1048-9940 Editor John Borton The Editor Chris Balas Football Recruiting Writer Brandon Brown Staff Writers Austin Fox Drew Hallett Editorial Intern Andrew Hussey Managing Editor Ryan Tice Contributing Editor Steve Downey Layout And Design Jeanette Blankenship Chris Miller Contributing Photographers Lon Horwedel Per Kjeldsen Cover Photo by Daryl Marshke, courtesy Michigan Athletics Publisher Stu Coman Business Manager Linda Autry Marketing/Merchandise Manager Beverly Taylor Director Of Advertising Michelle Delee-Hamilton Customer Service Cathy Jones, Gail Evans The Wolverine is published monthly. A one-year (12 issues) subscription is $56.99. The Wolverine is printed at The Papers in Milford, Ind. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Wolverine, P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702. Periodical postage paid at Durham, NC 27702 and additional offices. For advertising or subscription information, call 1-800-421-7751 or write The Wolverine, P.O. Box 1304, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. The Wolverine is a publication of Coman Publishing Company, 905 W. Main St, Suite 24F, Durham, NC 27701. E-Mail Address: Subscription questions: Website: Be Heard! Send your letters to: Wolverine Letters • P.O. Box 1304 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Or email: Letters may be edited for clarity or length. FROM OUR READERS Under Jim Harbaugh, Michigan football has taken an annual overseas trip, including to South Africa this May. Cuba has been men- tioned as a future possibility by Harbaugh. PHOTO COURTESY MICHIGAN PHOTOGRAPHY