The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports
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4 THE WOLVERINE NOVEMBER 2020 November 2020 • Vol. 32, No. 3 ISSN 1048-9940 Editor John Borton Editor Chris Balas Football Recruiting Writer EJ Holland Staff Writers Austin Fox Clayton Sayfie Drew Hallett Managing Editor Ryan Tice Contributing Editor Steve Downey Layout And Design Jeanette Blankenship Chris Miller Contributing Photographers Lon Horwedel Per Kjeldsen Cover Photo Lon Horwedel Publisher Stu Coman Business Manager Linda Autry Marketing/Merchandise Manager Beverly Taylor Director Of Advertising Michelle Delee-Hamilton Customer Service Cathy Jones, Laura Thornton The Wolverine is published monthly. A one- year (12 issues) subscription is $56.99. The Wolverine is printed at The Papers in Milford, Ind. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Wolverine, P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702. Periodical postage paid at Durham, NC 27702 and additional offices. For advertising or subscription information, call 1-800-421-7751 or write The Wolverine, P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702. The Wolverine is a publication of Coman Publishing Company, 905 W. Main St, Suite 24F, Durham, NC 27701. E-Mail Address: Subscription questions: Website: FROM OUR WEBSITE Readers offer their bold predic- tions for the 2020 season … • There will be at least one or two games that are totally different than expectations. Due to positive COVID tests, roster gaps, practice gaps or no fans in the stands. Socal4mich • [Redshirt sophomore quarterback] Joe Milton is as good as advertised. jjlafd • [Freshman running back] Blake Co- rum runs for 600 yards. Hank2623 • We lead the Big Ten in rushing. detblue14 • We go 8-0. Thaguy49503 • [Redshirt junior] Josh Ross is All- Big Ten first or second team as a line- backer. beELITEStrombo • [ Junior defensive end] Aidan Hutchinson leads the Big Ten in sacks and puts himself squarely in the first round of the NFL Draft. ma1co1m26 • [Sophomore] Daxton Hill is a first- team All-Big Ten cornerback. Pontificate • On a cold, miserable day, Dec. 12 in Columbus, Ohio, the University of Michigan defeats a heavily favored OSU team by the slimmest of margins. Weather conditions and turnovers are blamed for the Buckeyes loss. Analo- gies are made to the 1950's Snow Bowl game. Remember, we're talking bold here. bluestud • Michigan ends up top 5-10 nation- ally in all of the pass defense rankings (yards, QB rating against, etc.) … and [cornerbacks coach] Michael Zordich is once again ignored in postseason assistant coaching awards. martyk • Joe Milton will be at the Heisman presentation as a finalist. HUGE M FAN • Michigan finishes conference play 8-1 and wins a New Years Day bowl to finish 9-1. SMA2009 • National champions. Acekerjen • Harbaugh finally beats OSU 42- 38. No fans takes away home -field advantage. Not sure if this is bold or delusional, it's 2020 — anything can happen! lb3490 • Despite the season only being nine games, Milton throws his way into the Michigan record books by throwing for at least 2,147 yards, which puts him in the top 20 passing seasons all time at Michigan (Drew Henson's 2000 season is 20th with 2,146 yards). So Milton will average around 240 yards per game. For reference, in 13 games last sea- son, Shea Patterson threw for 3,061 yards, good for the second-most in Michigan histor y (John Navarre is No. 1, with 3,331 in 2003). Patterson averaged 235 yards per game, so my bold prediction is Milton has a slightly better average per game — five more yards — than Patterson. Before deciding whether that's bold, consider Milton has never been a starter, there's basically a brand new offensive line, Michigan has lost a lot of receivers from last season and Michi- gan's running game should be pretty good this year. bluex2 • [Sophomore wideout] Mike Sainristil leads Michigan in receiving. studed 60 Day Free Trial, Use Code BLUE60 With a loaded backfield led by top returning rusher Zach Charbonnet, a sophomore who led the squad with 726 rushing yards and 11 touchdowns last year, many are expecting big things from the Michigan ground game. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL