The Wolverine

March 2021

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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4 THE WOLVERINE MARCH 2021 March 2021 • Vol. 32, No. 8 ISSN 1048-9940 Editor John Borton Editor Chris Balas Football Recruiting Writer EJ Holland Staff Writers Austin Fox Clayton Sayfie Drew Hallett Managing Editor Ryan Tice Contributing Editors Steve Downey Chris Riffer Layout And Design Jeanette Blankenship Chris Miller Contributing Photographers Lon Horwedel Per Kjeldsen Cover Photo EJ Holland Publisher Stu Coman Business Manager Linda Autry Marketing/Merchandise Manager Beverly Taylor Director Of Advertising Michelle Delee-Hamilton Customer Service Cathy Jones, Laura Thornton The Wolverine is published monthly. A one- year (12 issues) subscription is $56.99. The Wolverine is printed at The Papers in Milford, Ind. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Wolverine, P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702. Periodical postage paid at Durham, NC 27702 and additional offices. For advertising or subscription information, call 1-800-421-7751 or write The Wolverine, P.O. Box 2331, Durham, NC 27702. The Wolverine is a publication of Coman Publishing Company, 905 W. Main St, Suite 24F, Durham, NC 27701. E-Mail Address: Subscription questions: Website:   FROM OUR READERS IS HOCKEY BEING ICED OUT? Dear The Wolverine, I've enjoyed The Wolverine's cover- age for many years, and even gave a gift subscription to my son. I have one request for the editors, however — how about a cover recog- nizing the Michigan hockey program for once? Thomas Hathaway Via the Internet We appreciate your business, Mr. Hathaway. W e t e c h n i - cally did have a hockey player on the cover of our May 2020 issue (left), after goalie Strauss Mann was named our Male Athlete of the Year. With so many strong athletic programs at U-M, it's hard to get every deserving team on the cover, especially since the demand is highest for football and men's basketball coverage, which results in them receiving the majority of the covers. We'll certainly take your comments into consideration, but hockey's timing makes it difficult to feature them on a cover since their season runs congruently with men's basketball and starts in the middle of football season. However, we proudly cover all Michi- gan sports and are always on the lookout for stellar accomplishments from each of its programs, whether they result in a cover or not. A TOM BRADY QUESTION Dear The Wolverine, As the wins and dollar winnings keep piling up for Tom Brady, I contin- ually ask myself — why hasn't Brady given a donation to the U-M football program or established a scholarship in his name? I believe Charles Woodson has done so; and Steve Smith and several oth- ers have done so for MSU basketball, including a former walk-on who just pledged $32 million to MSU basketball and the Breslin Center. I think Tom Brady owes a lot to the University of Michigan. All alumni, including myself, idolize him. I feel he should reciprocate. If he has donated, why not give him publicity in The Wolverine? And if he has not donated, why not raise the question to him? Richard H. Chamberlin Via the Internet We understand that Brady has made donations to several football facility proj- ects, but has elected to not publicly an- nounce those gifts. Brady's charitable contributions are his business. However, there's lit- tle debate that his impact as a former U-M football player exceeds any dollar amount. Because of him, there's only one school in the country that can claim the sport's G.O.A.T. played for them. It's also worth noting that he's seem- ingly been more involved with Michigan recently than ever. He attended Jim Har- baugh's Signing Of The Stars in Febru- ary 2016, was the honorary captain for a game the following fall and spoke at the Ross School of Business' virtual com- mencement last spring. Be Heard! Send your letters to: Wolverine Letters • P.O. Box 2331 Durham, NC 27702 Or email: Letters may be edited for clarity or length. Tom Brady has been involved with several Michigan events in recent years, including serving as an honorary team captain for the 2016 game against Colorado. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL THEWOLVERINE.COM | MAY 2020 | $3.95 Despite Coronavirus Ending Their Seasons Early, Hockey's Strauss Mann And Swimming's Maggie MacNeil Proved To Be Michigan's Best STANDING TALL 2019-2020 ATHLETES OF THE YEAR THE YEAR IN REVIEW

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