2 6 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 2 2
W W W . B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . C O M
S P R I N G F O O T B A L L 2 0 2 2
He'll be watching Sean Clifford's back
this fall, but keeping defenders away
from his QB is just one way in which
ascendant offensive tackle
Olu Fashanu strives to help others
ff in the distance, at the far end
of North Capitol Street,
stands the home of the
U.S. Congress, its majestic dome
clearly visible from the entrance
to Olu Fashanu's prep school
alma mater, Gonzaga College
High. Also visible, indeed un-
avoidable, are the high-end
condo developments that line
the streets around the school,
part of a wave of gentrification
that has steadily been trans-
forming Washington, D.C.
Look a little closer, though, and
there's another side to the city —
right next door to the corridors of
wealth and power but populated by
people who've been left behind as the
money has flowed in. That's the side in
which Fashanu immersed himself during
his time at Gonzaga.
Now a third-year sophomore offensive
tackle at Penn State, Fashanu made it a
priority during his four years at Gonzaga
to help out at a nearby homeless shelter.
Every other day, he and his friends would
head over to the shelter in between their
To Protect
And Serve
Coming off a strong performance in the Outback Bowl,
the first start of his college career, Fashanu earned
praise from coach James Franklin this spring.