Penn State Sports Magazine
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3 0 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 2 2 W W W . B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . C O M S P R I N G F O O T B A L L 2 0 2 2 Defensive linemen PJ Mustipher and Adisa Isaac are at different stages in their recovery from season-ending injuries last year, but both are looking to make a big impact in 2022 T he gravity of a season-ending injury isn't lost on Penn State defensive linemen PJ Mustipher and Adisa Isaac. The initial shock of having a knee or ankle give out is serious enough for a high-level athlete. The disappoint- ment is overwhelming, but so too is the doubt about whether or not a full recovery can be made. By the time the necessary surgery and rehabilitation take place, the physical, mental and emotional drain are all tangible. But forgive the star defensive linemen, both of whom sustained serious leg injuries last year, for acknowledging a lesser-known toll. "When I got hurt, it was tough to use the bathroom," Mustipher said. "I would have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, and I'd be like, 'No, I'm not going to use the bathroom. I can't. I can't.' It would take me like 20 minutes." For Mustipher, a fifth-year senior de- fensive tackle, the surprise was the no- tion of having to make a choice that had never been a choice before. Isaac, a redshirt junior de- fensive end, felt much the same. Constantly weighing NAT E BAU E R | NBAUER@BLUEWHITEONLINE.COM One Step At A Time Isaac was back in practice this spring after missing the entire 2021 sea- son with an Achilles tendon injury he suffered last summer. PHOTO BY STEVE MANUEL