Blue White Illustrated

January 2024

Penn State Sports Magazine

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4 4 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 4 W W W . B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . C O M I t wasn't so much the 2023 NCAA Wrestling Championships where Penn State's Shayne Van Ness proved to himself that he could compete with the top athletes in his 149-pound weight class. It was more the World Championships in September in Bel- grade, Serbia, at which he was a training partner and spectator. Yes, the 24-7 record as a redshirt freshman helped, as did his NCAA bronze medal that he earned with come- back victories while avenging a couple of early-season defeats. But when Penn State's three-time NCAA champion Zain Retherford, now with the Nittany Lion Wrestling Club, invited him to be his freestyle workout partner, Van Ness said the picture became infinitely clearer. It didn't hurt that Retherford earned his first World title and credited Van Ness for his assistance immediately af- terward. "Zain took me as a training partner to the World Championships, and I got to sit there firsthand and see the best guys in the world compete," Van Ness said. "And I realized that I'm not that far off. That was huge for my confidence as well as just believing in my coaches and their program and their training and just trusting them." The redshirt sophomore also cited his teammates. "I think our team this year is closer than it's ever been — just knowing that no matter what, win or lose, it doesn't matter because it's about the team, and the guys are going to love me just the same no matter what," he said. The confidence boost has been ap- parent this season, with Van Ness hav- WRESTLING J I M CA R L S O N | B L U E W H I T E C O N T R I B U T O R After finishing third at NCAAs a year ago, Shayne Van Ness looks to take charge of the 149-pound weight class CONTROL CONTROL FREAK FREAK

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