The Wolfpacker

January-February 2024

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 ■ 21 "It has been a banner year for NC State athletics. Heck, it's been a banner three or four years since Boo got here for NC State athletics. To be able to celebrate the people that play such a big role in it was really a special thing." Paro is one of the hundreds of Wolfpack supportors who have stepped up to donate major gifts with the Red Wolf Society. In addition to being able to attend gatherings like the launch event in November, members gain access to some closed practices and have chances to attend away games. The Red Wolf Society is a new initiative, and the Wolfpack Club is continuing to generate exclusive op- portunities for its mem- bers. Broussard said ideas from donors are- welcome. "We're always look- ing for new and exciting things to do, and some- times our members give us those ideas," he said. "We'll continue to look for great ways to get our folks involved." Broussard also noted that Corrigan deserves a lot of credit for NC State's run of success lately. The Red Wolf Society will help ensure that Corrigan and the athletics department as a whole are able to achieve their goals. According to the society's website, "benefits are awarded for five years and are reserved for any donor who commits to a five- year major gift ($50,000) pledge to the Student-Athlete ImPack Program, Foundation of Champions Scholarship Endowment, AD Enhancement Fund, capital project, or sport-specific gift, along with Playmaker gifts and one-year benefits to those donors to the Director's Level ($18,600) for the annual scholarship fund." Those with questions can call the Wolfpack Club at 919-865-1500. In addition to the Wolfpack Club's work, Broussard pointed to the efforts of the Pack's NIL collectives, Pack of Wolves and Savage Wolves, and their recent fundraising efforts. NC State's fanbase is coming together to support athletics. "A lot of things are going in tandem right now to make for some really successful times," Broussard said. When the athletics di- rector comes up with a way to improve NC State, those projects will be communicated to the Red Wolf Society members. And when someone makes a major gift, their money will go directly toward Corrigan's vision for the athletics department. In addition to raising money for the Pack, Broussard hopes that the Red Wolf Society will bring its major gift donors together as friends. The launch event accomplished that goal and created momentum for a rapid expansion. "Shortly thereafter, word spread on how great of an event it was, and we had a number of people reach out to our staff and say, 'Hey, I heard about this. Why wasn't I invited? How can I be a part of this?'" Broussard said. "And that's another reason why you do what you do. Because people like to be involved in really great events." ■ " It has been a banner year for NC State athletics. Heck, it's been a banner three or four years since Boo [Corrigan] got here for NC State athletics. To be able to celebrate the people that play such a big role in it was really a special thing." Wolfpack Club Executive Director Ben Broussard A capacity crowd filled the Carolina Exotic Car Club in Raleigh to celebrate the launch of the Red Wolf Society, a fundraising effort aimed at elevating NC State athletics. PHOTO COURTESY WOLFPACK CLUB

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