The Wolfpacker

January-February 2024

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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20 ■ THE WOLFPACKER BY ETHAN MCDOWELL he Wolfpack Club officially launched its Red Wolf Society during an exclusive event on Nov. 3, and by all accounts, the new fundraising initiative is off to a very promising start. Thanks to the organizing efforts of the Wolfpack Club's staff and donor Blake Paro, the Red Wolf So- ciety's inaugural gathering took place at the Carolina Exotic Car Club. In the six weeks that followed, a wave of new members joined the society, which had started with 205 Wolfpack donors. Those enthusiastic fans all had the opportunity to meet and begin to forge friendships at the November event. Paro is a part of a "State family," and a member of the Carolina Exotic Car Club, and he was more than happy to contribute to the event. Any time there is a chance to help out the athletics depart- ment, Paro is eager to lend a hand. A significant reason why the Wolfpack Club started the Red Wolf Society was to give all of NC State's major donors an oppor- tunity to meet and create lasting relationships. This event was a perfect example of the organization's mission in action. "It was a wonderful night," Paro said. "It was fantastic to be able to meet a few hundred other longtime Wolfpack Club mem- bers and obviously those who have been indoctrinated and ac- cepted into the Red Wolf Society. It was really cool being able to get to meet those people, hang out with them, chat with them and share our stories together." Those in attendance had the opportunity to hear athletics director Boo Corrigan and Wolfpack Club executive director Ben Broussard explain the organization's mission and the vision of NC State's athletics department. "It was nothing short of amazing," Broussard said. "Everybody was grateful to be out, to be together, to hear from Boo on every- thing that's going on in athletics and to hear from me and what's going on in the Wolfpack Club. ON THE FAST TRACK After A Well-Attended Gathering At The Carolina Exotic Car Club, The Red Wolf Society Is Building Momentum T Athletics director Boo Corrigan (center) and donor Blake Paro (right) were on hand along with Ben Cash and Kelli Beck of Taylor's Wine Shop to help get the Red Wolf Society off to a festive start. PHOTO COURTESY WOLFPACK CLUB

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