The Wolfpacker

September-October 2024

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2024 ■ 21 pionship trophy. The women's cross country national championship and baseball super regional trophies also made appearances on the tour. Fans captured photos with them and took a close look at pieces of NC State history that usually rest in a trophy case. Pints With The Pack offered fans a chance to take in a unique experience while surrounded by fellow supporters of the program. "It's been so much fun this year be- cause our teams have all done phenom- enal. We had the best year of NC State Athletics in a very long time," Wayland said. "It's been really cool to just bring everyone together, and everyone has been really overwhelmingly positive." To make these events even more fun for Wolfpack Club members, the staff tries to find a brewery with some sort of link to NC State. Then, the club covers the first round of drinks. Donors meet the staff, the members get to know each other, and everyone gains a better understanding of how the organization operates. "The whole point was to say, 'Come meet fellow people in your area. Enjoy a beer on us,'" Wayland said. At a recent event in Greensboro, the Wolfpack Club hosted about 140 peo- ple. The total attendance for this sum- mer's tour was estimated to be 1,400. The Wolfpack Club welcomed all NC State fans to the events, and 15 new do- nors ended up joining the organization. This fall, the club will put together events for three road games. There will be Pints With The Pack gather- ings in Charlotte for the Tennessee game, Greenville, S.C., for the Clemson matchup and Atlanta for the showdown with Georgia Tech. In addition to providing fans with an opportunity to get to know each other better, the events allow donors to meet with Wolfpack Club staff members and ask questions. NC State just launched its new Pack Forward ticket model. Fans who are unclear about what that initia- tive entails or have other questions are invited to talk to staff members at these upcoming events. "It helps us do our jobs better," Way- land said, "because we get to hear what we're doing well, what we're not doing well, how we can continue to engage you and how we can continue to sup- port you." ■ " It's been so much fun this year because our teams have all done phenomenal. We had the best year of NC State Athletics in a very long time. It's been really cool to bring everyone together, and everyone has been really overwhelmingly positive. Emily Wayland, director of annual giving for the Wolfpack Club

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