The Wolfpacker

September-October 2024

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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6 ■ THE WOLFPACKER ■ WOLFPACK CLUB NEWS W here did you grow up? Cleveland, Ohio. What college did you graduate from? I went to a small Division III school in Columbus, Ohio. It's called Otterbein University. I was a student-athlete there, a bas- ketball player. What are your respon- sibilities with the Wolf- pack Club? I'm responsible for outreaching, finding new memberships, trying to in- crease memberships for all of our donors, finding required giving with donations that are tied to tickets. My terri- tory is Wake County, the Ra- leigh area and surrounding cities. I'm just trying to meet with folks to increase their memberships and try and get them more involved in giving to the Wolfpack Club. What did you do be- fore joining the Wolf- pack Club? I was actually in school, so this is my first job out of college. How did you get started at the Wolfpack Club? I just made connections throughout my time when I was a student at Otterbein, and I got connected with our executive director, Ben Broussard, and just stayed in contact. And then I went to this big annual convention and did some networking there and met my current boss, Em- ily Wayland, when she was actually working for the University of Virginia. A couple weeks later, she was hired by NC State, and then this job opportunity opened up. I went for it. That's how I got started here. What's your favorite part of the job? Being around a fan base that cares and is so passionate about the success, their past and what we're looking to be as we move forward. The run to the Final Four was so cool — to hear the stories of folks who haven't seen one in 41 years. Being part of that and seeing the true passion of all the fans was really special to be part of. What are your hobbies? Playing golf, and I would say watching any sporting event. If I'm not working at a sporting event, I'm watching an event. I'll watch bad- minton or bowling or whatever. Favorite TV show: "Friends." Favorite movie: "Moneyball." Favorite musical artist: Lil Baby. Favorite restaurant: Chipotle. Favorite Wolfpack memory: Probably my first football game. We played at East Carolina and won in a thrilling game two years ago. ECU missed the kick at the end for us to win, and I felt like I was part of the "Cardiac Pack" at that moment. I'd been moved down here for about 24 hours. Braden focuses on adding new Wolfpack Club members and serving existing members in Wake County. PHOTO COURTESY WOLFPACK CLUB WOLFPACK CLUB STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Braden Galaska, Assistant Director Of Annual Giving For more information, contact our offices at 919-865-1500 CLUBS THE WITHIN THE WOLFPACK CLUB WOLFPACK CLUB Student WPC Benefits: membership T-shirt, online access to The Wolfpacker, premium student seating for football and basketball games, meetings with coaches and student-athletes, membership decal Junior WPC Benefits: membership T-shirt, membership card, membership decal, official Junior Wolfpack Club gift WOLFPACK CLUB Varsity Club Benefits: exclusive access to Varsity Club room before basketball games, reduced-price season tickets for football and men's basketball, free reserved parking with season tickets, invitation to sports reunion(s)

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