The Wolfpacker

September-October 2024

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2024 ■ 9 ■ WOLFPACK CLUB NEWS Tony and Ujeana Pearson have been members of the Wolfpack Club for more than two decades, and they are building a multigenerational legacy of NC State fandom. From buying tickets to football games in the 1990s, sitting on the grass hill that preceded the Murphy Center, to holding eight lifetime rights tickets in Carter-Finley Stadium, they have built a relationship with the program that has grown and evolved over the years. One thing remained constant — the Pearsons' passion for the Wolfpack. NC State's football and basketball games give them the perfect chance to spend quality time with their loved ones. "It's great family time," Tony Pearson said. "It allows us a chance to just sit and unwind and not worry about the day-to-day work pressures or anything else that people may have in their lives. It's just a great time to get out there and unwind." A longtime NC State faculty mem- ber, Tony Pearson began his career at the university in 1993. He used to help produce athletics broadcasts and now serves as the senior associate director of enterprise digital media in the Digi- tal Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) department. He has always been a football fan, and meeting the coaches in Raleigh early in his tenure helped jump-start his pas- sion for the program. Once the couple's first son, Anthony, started walking, his father began taking him to games. Years later, he's a Wolfpack alumnus and con- tinues to tailgate with his family. When their youngest son, Jalen, joined the family, they bought a third faculty/ staff ticket. In those seats, they met a fellow fan who recommended that they get involved with the Wolfpack Club. The Pearson family joined the organiza- tion around 1998 and since then has been watching the football, basketball and baseball teams and enjoying the exclu- sive events the organization has to offer. "We've thoroughly enjoyed every moment of being a member of the Wolf- pack Club," Tony Pearson said. "We take advantage of every opportunity that comes up as well, whether it's an away game somewhere or just a special trip to go see the basketball team play." Their tailgating crew has expanded over the years, and they're always among the first groups to arrive at the stadium. Ujeana invites anyone with a connection to the Pack. Anthony brings his wife, Jarneshia, and Jalen brings his fiance, Kisha. Tony and Ujeana's grand- children Ava and Ty are also a part of the Wolfpack family. Three generations of Pearsons are supporting NC State right now. Ava has been counting down the days until the NC State football team kicks off its season, Tony said, and she's help- ing decide the tailgating menu as well. "She's 6, but she's the boss," Ujeana Pearson said with a laugh. During their tailgates, the Pearson family will make everything from om- elets to pizza. They bring a smoker and cook chicken and mac and cheese. The food, the music and the company tend to attract a crowd. "Where we go, people follow," Tony Pearson said. "They enjoy us. We have a great time. It's like a party." Their family has plenty of fond memo- ries around the Pack. Ujeana and Tony watched Philip Rivers and Russell Wilson play in the red and white. They've seen plenty of wins over UNC and Duke, and, when they're representing their school, the family doesn't hesitate to banter back and forth with the rival fans. "I love being around the fans, because they get into the game, and we get into the game," Ujeana Pearson said. "We high-five each other, talk junk to the outsiders who are sitting in the area, and it's a whole lot of fun." The Pearsons are proud of their tra- dition of Wolfpack fandom. Tony and Ujeana cherish the weekends in Carter- Finley Stadium, their children enjoy it and their grandchildren are already pas- sionate about the Pack. They believe their love for NC State will persist for a long time. "Will that continue on?" Tony Pearson said. "Yes, it will. It will probably con- tinue on beyond Ujeana's and my lifetime, because we've already built the founda- tion that they will carry forward." ■ W P C D O N O R S P O T L I G H T TONY AND UJEANA PEARSON Ujeana and Tony Pearson (right) enjoy attending NC State sporting events with their family. Back row (L to R): Ty, Ava, Anthony. Front row (L to R): Jarneshia, Kisha, Jalen. PHOTO COURTESY THE PEARSON FAMILY

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