The Wolverine

February 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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to former U-M captain and guard into the mix. David Merritt, who has supplied Roughly halfway through the seacolor commentary on Michigan bas- son, he began doing so with a greater ketball broadcasts. Merritt echoes the level of understanding and purpose, sentiment that Walton needs to be the head coach pointed out. himself. "What I like is, he's creating more At the same time, Merritt believes for himself and doing it efficiently," that self will grow significantly in the Beilein said. "Sometimes you can't weeks to come. mistake activity for achievement. He "Derrick has done a fine job," Mer- was doing things before that weren't ritt assessed. "I think what every- conducive to finding open men. Now body realizes watching the team this he's doing that much better and, at year is how good Trey Burke was, the same time, he's picking his spots how much ran so he can score. through him and Head coach John Beilein "He and [fellow what he was able on Walton freshman] Zak Irto do and create for game is "We give him as much as vin, the down for the team. I don't slowing think we'll ever we think he can handle, both of them as we really understand and then some more. As go into the second how good that guy he will tell you, the game semester." was. Walton has en"For Derrick to is slowing down for him. joyed coaching become in and fill his yond his coaches, shoes, he's done a phenomenal job. he noted. His numbers are really good. As time "Spike taught me a lot about mangoes on and he learns more of the aging my dribble," Walton said. "It's offense, he'll be more comfortable all about finding ways to get guys as the focal point, handling the ball, open shots." getting inside the lane and making Basketball represents a game of things happen. angles, especially for someone at "That's the next step for him. It's Walton's height of 6-1, rather than not just being out there, but how do the 6-4 of a Darius Morris or the 6-6 you make things happen, not only of a Stauskas. Walton isn't going to for yourself, but for others? How do be dumping the ball over many deyou make the game easier for others? fenders to teammates rolling to the That's the next step, but he's done a basket. tremendous job." That being the case, he's figuring Beilein recently began seeing out other ways to attack. On defense, Walton take those steps. The rookie he's catching up to the think-ahead demonstrated great effort and energy quickness needed to cover the floor from the start, defending, handling the way Beilein demands. the basketball and working his way Walton hasn't arrived, by any

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