The Wolverine

February 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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(72‑70) after leading most of the way. Coach manages that lineup going A 44.1-percent shooter from three- forward." point range through 17 games, AlBeilein managed to put Walton brecht also has dished out 40 assists and Albrecht onto the court together compared to only eight turnovers. more and more as the first half of the There's a reason his team always season wore on. It's obviously spot seems to win pick-up games, Beilein duty, but when heavy ball pressure asserted. comes or a game needs to be closed "He just sees people that very out, the head coach can move the few people see, that only the best pieces into place. point guards see," Beilein noted. "He "You're going to see that a lot makes our team better when he's out when it's late in the game and we there." feel pressure is coming," Beilein said. That said, Al"I was preparing Head coach John Beilein brecht isn't exfor that. We lose actly rangy at some size, obvi on Albrecht 5-11, 175, and ously. They're Beilein continu- "He just sees people that both six-footers, ally urges him to very few people see, that and with some be a plus player only the best point guards of our switchon the defensive see. He makes our team ing patterns, end of the court. they might get " T h e t h i n g better when he's out there." matched up on a we've challenged [6-5 Northwesthim with: with his size, he has to ern guard] Drew Crawford, and that be an incredible defender," Beilein can be tough. said. "He cannot just be a regular "Length changes, but ball possesdefender. With his size, he has to buy sion, and running our offense with into, 'This is what I do to help my speed — they're both really good at team.' It's not just passing it. It's both it." of those." Beilein recognizes he has to pick Merritt agreed on both points, tout- his spots, but sounds not at all averse ing Albrecht's savvy while noting to increasing the two-point look Michigan has to use its point guards when it's appropriate. judiciously. "Derrick's growth the last couple "You always want to have a guy of weeks has been really good," like Spike coming off the bench — Beilein said. "Having Spike out on a heady player who knows how to the floor, both of them make us betplay basketball," Merritt offered. ter in different ways. Whether one "We talk about the four-guard is playing or two are playing, we're lineup and how that helps them of- good. When both of them are in the fensively, but it hurts them defen- game, we feel really confident the sively. I'm very anxious to see how ball is in good hands." ❑

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