The Wolverine

April 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  MICHIGAN IN THE PROS BY CHRIS BALAS L aMarr Woodley seemed on the brink of being a Pittsburgh Steeler for life after signing a six-year, $61.5 million contract in August 2011. But after starting the 2011 season on a tear, including 7.5 sacks in one four- game stretch, Woodley got hurt chas- ing New England and former Michi- gan quarterback Tom Brady and has been on and off the injured list since. Woodley has missed 14 of his 49 games since suffering the hamstring injury and wasn't himself when he did play. He mustered only 9.5 sacks in 35 games after notching 50.5 in the 68 games prior to getting hurt. That led to his release by the Steel- ers in March after a disappointing season. He played in 11 games and managed only 36 tackles and five sacks. Woodley, a linebacker with the Steelers, will play defensive end for the Raiders, who signed him to a two-year deal worth up to a reported $12 million. "Woodley should be fine mov- ing to defensive end as that is what he played in college when he tor- mented quarterbacks for Michigan," Pittsburgh wrote. "The move might help him regain some of his pass-rushing mojo as Woodley won't drop into coverage nearly as often as he did with the Steelers. "I like the signing for the Raiders, especially if Woodley prepares and plays as if a fire has been lit under him. Did complacency set in after he signed the six-year, $61.5 mil- lion in 2011? It sure seems that way, and maybe getting released is what Woodley needed to get his career back on track." CHAD HENNE SIGNS TWO-YEAR EXTENSION WITH JACKSONVILLE Quarterback Chad Henne will re- main with the Jacksonville Jaguars   MICHIGAN IN THE PROS LaMarr Woodley Cut By Pittsburgh, Signs With Oakland Woodley, who will play defensive end for the Raiders, managed only 36 tackles and five sacks in 11 games as a linebacker with the Steelers in 2013. PHOTO COURTESY PITTSBURGH STEELERS

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