Cavalier Corner

October 2014

Cavalier Corner is the publication just for UVa sports fans!

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Keep up to date on all University of Virginia sports by subscribing to CAVALIER CORNER FEBRUARY 2014 • $3.50 OCTOBER 2014 • $3.50 CATCHING ON Darius Jennings And UVa's Deep Group Of Receivers Are Making Strides 1 YEAR (6 ISSUES) $29.95 CAVALIER CORNER is the publication just for Virginia sports fans. Each issue includes: • Articles on current Virginia student-athletes and coaches • Historical features on former athletes and special teams from the past • Reviews and previews of Cavalier sports • Plus, the digital editions are optimized for viewing on a computer monitor or tablet! CAVALIER CORNER also makes a great gift! Call For Faster Service On Credit Card Orders 1-800-421-7751 or order at CAVALIER CORNER • P.O. Box 2331 • Durham, NC 27702

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