Blue White Illustrated

Akron Pregame

Penn State Sports Magazine

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viously the depth helped with that, and the development and the way we've re- cruited. I think all those things have helped with that, but I think more than anything, we had a group of guys who decided that they wanted to practice at a really high level every single day and made sure that happened. So that's what I would probably [be referring to] when I talk about the con- sistency. There wasn't a day where the coaches leD the field angry and frus- trated and the players were feeling like they could have given more looking back at it aDer the fact. I felt like, day-in and day-out, we practiced at a really high level. I think the new model may have helped with that a little bit, but more than any- thing, I think it was our depth and leadership. I counted 10 true freshmen on the three-deep. Without wanting to put too much emphasis on the depth chart, that's more than I expected. Is that a little bit of a surprise, how many of these guys have picked things up decently so far? Right now we've got a handful of guys who we're talking about playing as true freshmen, and I think that's Lamont Wade. I think that's Yetur Matos, and I think that's [Tariq] Castro-Fields. … We have three that we plan on burning their redshirts right from the beginning of the season. That could change as the season goes on, and those three are Yetur at defensive end and Lamont Wade and Castro-Fields at corner. The other guys are listed to complete a three-deep, and they are up with the varsity from a training perspective and practice, but we don't plan on playing those other guys on Saturday. Those guys are all probably considered yellows at this point. If we have any injuries, then their status will go from yellow to green, which I think you guys have heard us talk about in the past. So I think three is the number that we're at, and that number could grow as the sea- son goes on. Akron brings in a tough unit. They are a talented team. But specifically, how have you prepared for Ulysees Gilbert, who is the reigning MAC De- fensive Player of the Year? I think the first game of the year is al- ways challenging because you just don't completely know what you're going to get. What off-season study have they done? Have they lost some players? Do they have some injuries that they're not communicating right now with the roster and the depth chart? It's not completely accurate, and you just don't really know. … So I think that's probably the thing that concerns you the most. What you're talking about is a player who has been very, very successful at their level for a number of years, and I think what happens is you have a team that is excited about a season opener, and an opportunity to play a team like Penn State and show what they are able to do. You know, nationally ranked, in our stadium in front of a big crowd. I was just reading notes from Terry Bowden's most recent press conference, and you know, they are excited. This is their Super Bowl. I've been a part of these in the past and I think our coaches and our players also have seen enough upsets. I mean, you look in the Big Ten, Northwestern last year losing to West- ern Michigan, Purdue losing to Bowling Green, Maryland losing to Bowling Green, Indiana losing to Bowling Green, Northwestern to Northern Illinois, Pur- due to Central Michigan, Purdue to Northern Illinois, Iowa to Northern Illi- nois. ... That's just from 2012 to 2016 – MAC teams that have beaten Big Ten teams. Our guys are aware of it. We respect whoever we play. At the end of the day, it's about us and playing up to our stan- dard but we need to be prepared for what Akron is going to do, as well. Again, first games of the year are always a little bit concerning for both teams because you don't truly know what you're going to get until probably the first quarter is over. At the start of last season, before you played Kent State, you said, if I were them, I would take Saquon Barkley out of the game and make the quarterback win the game. That's what you got most of last season. Do you expect that to be the same this year a6er what Trace showed, with perception of him so much higher than it was this time year ago? I still think you have to go into it say- ing that you're going to take the oppo- nent, whoever it is, week-in and week-out, and try to take their strength away. So whether it's a player or whether it's a style of play, whether it's running the ball or the passing game, you try to make people one-dimen- sional. If we're playing a defense that has a defensive end who you think is a game-wrecker, you can't allow that guy to wreck the game. You have to have a plan to limit the impact he's going to have. It's no different if they have a re- ceiver and you know he's one of the best receivers in the country. You can't allow that guy to dictate the game. You're going to have to double-team him, roll coverage to him, whatever it may be. I think that's going to be the plan this year, as well. If you had to choose between Saquon Barkley and Trace McSorley, I think most people are going to say they're going to try to eliminate Saquon Barkley as much as they can and make Trace beat you. I agree with your point. I don't know if that's a great situation and I think that's what makes us so difficult to defend. You've got an experienced running back who is very well thought of and you have an experienced quarterback now who is very well thought of. You've got an experienced offensive line and you have a weapon at the tight end position and you have multiple weapons at wide receiver. I mean, DaeSean Hamilton is a guy who not a whole lot of people are talking about. He's got a chance to be the all-time leading receiver in Penn State history and two years ago led the league in catches. You know, that's the challenge, and that's what you want to try to do in terms of how you develop the guys in your program and how you recruit. You want to have a lot of weapons so that you're not one-dimensional. I think that's what makes us a difficult task, especially on the offensive side of the ball. A U G U S T   3 0 ,   2 0 1 7 B L U E W H I T E O N L I N E . C O M 13

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