Blue & Gold Illustrated: America's Foremost Authority on Notre Dame Football
Issue link: SEPT. 25, 2017 5 FAN FORUM SEEING RED It's far too early in the season to judge the character of the 2017 Notre Dame football team, but the tens of thousands of Notre Dame alumni who scalped their alumni-lottery tickets to Georgia fans have shown their true colors: not blue and gold, but green — as in the color of money. As a lifelong follower of Notre Dame football, I don't know that I've ever been more ashamed of my fel- low so-called fans. Our football play- ers didn't only have to contend with a tough Georgia defense and run- ning game; they had to play an away game in their own stadium. Shame on those fans who sold their souls for an extra buck. I would like to ask them directly: How do you sleep at night? Your greed led di- rectly to a hostile environment for our players. Not only did you dis- respect yourselves and your alma mater, but you made it more likely that "your" Irish would lose. The university is part of the prob- lem as well. In the past, you could lose your alumni privileges if you were caught making money off of selling football tickets. Now, the University of Notre Dame gets a cut of some of the scalping ( How exactly does the much bally- hooed Campus Crossroads Project im- prove the Notre Dame fan experience if most of the fans benefiting from it are cheering against the Fighting Irish? The university needs to take a good hard look at itself. Otherwise, they might want to change the inscription above the east door of the Basilica from "God, Country, Notre Dame" to "Greed, Money, Notre Dame." John Simonian, '03MA San Francisco SOLD OUT For Sale: Notre Dame's loyal fans. What an embarrassment. Now we see half of our great stadium filled with Georgia fans. At what point will we stop shaking our heads and do something about it? We need to overhaul the lottery process used to sell season tickets. Why not limit the number of games any single person can obtain in one season? If you are in the lottery and you can only go to one or two games a year, perhaps you will actually go to the game. Last year, I attended the Nevada game. Fortunately I was seated next to a couple that told me they attend every game. Unfortunately, they told me they were surprised I was a Notre Dame fan. The couple stated that the entire previous year, the seat I was in was always occupied by fans of the opposing team. Tony Ramirez Parachute, Colo. BE HEARD! Send your letters to: Letters Blue & Gold Illustrated P. O. Box 1007, Notre Dame, IN 46556 or e-mail to: An estimated 30,000 red-clad Bulldog fans were in the stands at Notre Dame Stadium when Georgia came to town Sept. 9. PHOTO COURTESY UGASPORTS.COM