The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports
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M ichigan fans showing up for the spring game April 4 saw fifth- year senior Graham Glasgow lining up to fire snaps for the victorious Blue squad. That wasn't a shocker, since Glasgow had been back practic- ing with the Wolverines prior to the spring game. The question remains, though: will the veteran center see any more pun- ishment coming out of his probation violation stemming from an incident with alcohol. Someone put that in- quiry to Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh after the spring game, and Harbaugh's response proved both blunt and candid. He noted that, right now, Glasgow is in the hands of the law and being very closely monitored. "The legal system has got as much hanging over his head as anybody could possibly put on him," Har- baugh said. "There's nothing more that I or the football program or the university could have on Graham right now than what they have. "You're talking about somebody who is taking a Breathalyzer in the morning, one at night, and he's got to be clean, 100 percent clean, not a drop of alcohol. He will do it or he won't. I believe in him. I believe he will. "But we will all know. There will be no secrets on that. Whether he does or whether he doesn't will all be for public consumption." Th e implication w as th at if Glasgow proceeded with no further issues, he would remain in the good graces of the football program. He's the projected starter on a team that has already lost fifth-year senior Jack Miller, last year's first-team center, to a decision not to return. Glasgow, at 6-6 and 303 pounds, has appeared in 29 games and made 24 starts for Michigan. He started 11 games last season, after being a MICHIGAN FOOTBALL Harbaugh: Glasgow's Challenge Is No Mystery To Anyone Fifth-year senior Graham Glasgow played center in the spring game, and he is a pos- sible starter for the team in the fall follow- ing the departure of Jack Miller. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL