The Wolverine

December 2015 Issue

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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There's no time to exult or mope be- cause the next play's coming quickly. "I do remember when guys beat me, but there's nothing you can do about it," he said. "It's on to the next play." He's also benefited from Michi- gan's commitment to playing a press man-to-man defense. The Wolverines tried to do so last year, but had to back off that plan when the results dictated they do. Jim Harbaugh's coaching crew came in set on man coverage, with former NFL players and coaches ready to ramp up the teaching with performers such as Lewis. They've seen him take a leap forward, and Lewis himself loves how ready the Wolverines are, individually and col- lectively, entering the combat zone. "It's amazing," he said. "It's noth- ing I've ever seen before. We're one of the most-prepared teams in America. It's scouting our opponents, knowing what they like to do, and going out there and executing. "I just understand defense more. It's becoming accustomed to what we like to do on third downs, or first downs. It's understanding." The third-year Wolverine has also grown into a greater understanding of leadership along the way. He's Lewis follows a convoy, led by fellow Cass Tech graduate Royce Jenkins-Stone (52), to the end zone following an impressive interception against Northwestern. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL

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