Cavalier Corner

June 2016

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Arguably, Gonzales exemplified how much the Cavaliers wanted to win a second consecu- tive ACC title. "Prior to the start she had the flu and a 104 temp," Lewellen said of Gonzales who spent time in a local emergency room in Charlot- tesville instead of on the practice range. "The other women made sure she had a game plan for every hole and that she was hydrated. "Behind the scenes, encouragement is needed in order to keep the girls where they need to be. I would say all of them must be in unison and working together to win a champi- onship of that magnitude." But despite Coughlin's superb play, she was far from the whole story. "In order to win a conference champion- ship, all players need to play as well as they can," said Lewellen, who was named the ACC Coach of the Year for the second time in her career. "That's true for any tournament. That's what makes golf at the college level a team sport. If somebody is off, hopefully her team- mates can pick her up. "To win a championship, all players must have their A or B game." Suffice to say the Cavaliers brought their proverbial A game, which enabled them to put way in the rear-view mirror second-place finishes that occurred in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2014. "We lost by one stroke my first year," Lewellen said. "We had been close so many times. We knew we could do it but we had to break that barrier. Having that knowledge re- ally helped us for this year. "Now, we're considered the ACC champ and we're looked at as an elite team to beat. That's a great thing to bring back to Virginia." Repeating as a conference champion in any sport is far from the easiest thing to accom- plish, Lewellen noted.

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