The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports
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THE WALLET THAT SAVES YOU MONEY ho wants an expensive wallet with golden logos that makes you look like you could pay for anything? Probably not you. This wallet will not only confuse pickpockets, it will actually make your friends believe it when you say that you forgot your wallet again. Of course, it's practical, but it's also easy to use. W Simply pat all of your pockets and look frustrated. When your friends become skeptical, just show them that you only have a tin of mints — just don't offer them one. Holds up to 20 cards! Expired or not, it won't affect you. Because with this discreet tin wallet, you'll never pick up a tab again! The curious afterlife of a tin © 2018 Mars or Affi liates THE WALLET THAT SAVES YOU MONEY ho wants an expensive wallet with golden logos that makes you look like you could pay for anything? Probably not you. This wallet will not only confuse pickpockets, it will actually make your friends believe it when you say that you forgot your wallet again. Of course, it's practical, but it's also easy to use. W ho wants an expensive wallet W ho wants an expensive wallet with golden logos that makes W with golden logos that makes Simply pat all of your pockets and look frustrated. When your friends become skeptical, just show them that you only have a tin of mints — just don't offer them one. Holds up to 20 cards! Expired or not, it won't affect you. Because with this discreet tin wallet, you'll never pick up a tab again! The curious afterlife of a tin © 2018 Mars or Affi liates