The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports
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18 THE WOLVERINE JANUARY 2019 BY JOHN BORTON C hase Winovich returned for a final season at Michigan ach- ing to rise to the top. Among a host of fierce competitors, he got there. U-M players voted the fifth-year senior defensive end the Bo Schem- bechler Most Valuable Player on Michigan's 10-2 squad of 2018. Win- ovich received the honor at Crisler Center on Dec. 9, in a revamped post- season gathering. Winovich put up big numbers in his last run wearing the winged helmet, posting 14.5 tackles for loss on the sea- son and climbing to No. 10 on Michi- gan's all-time list in that category (41.5 in his career). He expressed deep ap- preciation for the top Michigan award, but assured others could have received it as well. "That's a great honor and a distinc- tion I'll carry with me for the rest of my life," Winovich said. His teammates lauded him for all that he meant to the Wolverines this season. "I know from going up against him in practice every day, he's really annoying to block," quipped junior guard Ben Bredeson. "That effort he has, that motor he has, never stops. "I always say, I love having Chase on our team, because when you block him in practice for so long, it gets tough. He gets on your nerves because he never quits. He's just a tenacious dude. We're very happy to have him on our side." THE MANE MAN Chase Winovich Is Named The Wolverines' MVP At The Michigan Football Awards Show Winovich is the third straight defender to earn Michigan's Bo Schembechler Most Valuable Player award. PHOTO BY PER KJELDSEN