The Wolfpacker

November-December 2023

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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TRACKING THE PACK 14 ■ THE WOLFPACKER ■ Coming Full Circle Bill Cowher became the 12th member of the Wolfpack's Ring of Honor when he was saluted at Carter-Finley Stadium on Sept. 29, the night of NC State's game against Louisville. Nationally, Cowher is best known as the Pittsburgh Steelers' head coach from 1992-2006, but long before bring- ing a Super Bowl title to the Steel City, he was a record-setting linebacker for the Pack, recording 371 tackles during his tenure with the program in the late 1970s. At a gathering of his former college teammates and coaches prior to the ceremony, Cowher talked of the pro- found role that NC State had played in his success, particularly head coaches Lou Holtz and Bo Rein, and defensive coordinator Chuck Amato. "Coaching is teaching," Cowher told the crowd. "I learned so much from being with Lou, Bo and Chuck, but also from my time in the College of Educa- tion. The four and a half years I spent here shaped everything that followed." PHOTO BY LARRY BLANKENSHIP PACK PICTURE

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