The Wolfpacker

July / August 2024

The Wolfpacker: An Independent Magazine Covering NC State Sports

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26 ■ THE WOLFPACKER BY NOAH FLEISCHMAN hen NC State senior defensive end Davin Va n n a c c e p te d t h e No. 1 jersey from head coach Dave Doeren be- fore last season, a new set of responsibilities came with it. The number, which cannot be se- lected and is only given out by the coaching staff, is worn by a player who "exhibits an elite work ethic and prac- tice and training habits, while also lead- ing his teammates." Usually, the player with the No. 1 on his chest is someone who can be counted on to provide guid- ance and push the program's standards higher. Vann, who is back in the No. 1 jersey for the second consecutive season, had to learn what that meant. Like it or not, there were some obligations to meet. Leading the Pack was at the top of the list, and it forced him to push himself. Now, as he prepares for his final colle- giate season after turning down an op- portunity to enter the 2024 NFL Draft, Vann is focused on improving the men- tal side of his game, both as an athlete and as a person. Vann has steadily improved during his time with the Wolfpack. His 42 total tackles and 5.5 sacks last season were career bests. PHOTO BY GREGG FORWERCK/NC STATE ATHLETICS W LEADING FROM THE FRONT Veteran Lineman Davin Vann Sets An Example For NC State's Defense

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