The Wolverine

October 2024

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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22 THE WOLVERINE ❱ OCTOBER 2024 "But the other reason is, we should be concerned about how we do things as it relates to the rules we are engaged in. We can't pick and choose what things to do. The very people that are critical of me in particular, and critical of the way we've gone about it, had we done that and got- ten into more trouble with the NCAA, they'd have been critical of me for being too aggressive. "I'm going to do what I think is in the best interests of Michigan to move us forward, given everything we're dealing with. Now, some of those things have settled, and some things have expanded allowing us to do more, and we are doing more. But inducements are still against the NCAA rules. Now, though, we can talk about about what we can do. The collectives can have conversations about what we do for student-athletes, without saying bluntly, 'If you come here, we'll give you a million dollars.' That's an inducement. "It's part of the package we offer, and part of the conversation we have, be- cause now we're allowed to. There's no hesitancy about doing the things we need to do to support our student-athletes. "As a former student-athlete, I want that for them. I've been a proponent of helping our student-athletes through NIL. A share of our jersey sales goes to our student-athletes. We did move, in some ways, as fast or faster than others. "It's time for people to move to now. If people feel like we're not doing enough, I'd like those people to contribute to the Champions Circle. "We need to stop with the 'Michigan's not doing enough,' and go to, 'What can I do to help Michigan do more?' We're open. I want people to contribute to the Champions Circle. I want people to con- tribute to the support of our NIL and to support our student-athletes. Those are the things I would encourage people to do right now, to try to help. Be sup- portive. "We're doing QR codes on the sta- dium, to support our student-athletes. We just did a video with the Champions Circle to gain people's support. Our de- velopment staff is talking more and more to our donors about supporting not only Michigan athletics, but the collective, to support our student-athletes directly. People need to move to now, and what we're doing, the strong way we're sup- porting our teams, so we can continue to compete across the board for national championships." The Wolverine: So, will anyone crack down on those making in- ducements? Manuel: "With the new revenue share, those things will be negotiated, just like any other aspect of what we do with any student-athlete with a scholar- ship. Now you have a component where you're talking about how much money you're going to get paid, the revenue share for coming to Michigan, based on your position, where you are in that po- sition, those kinds of things. "We're adapting to more of a pro model. As opposed to a collective pay- ing them directly, we're paying them di- rectly. "That's what the revenue share is, and we'll have a revenue cap on that. That's why we're moving to think about general managers, and turning recruiting into an analysis, and assessment of not only how good you are, but what is it worth? "I've talked to several GMs in differ- ent leagues. My staff has also talked to them. You have to think about it in a dif- ferent way. It's now not only offering a scholarship. It's what's your value, as it relates to what you're going to [receive] as a revenue share as a part of being on the team?" The Wolverine: How tough was it for you to part ways with Juwan Howard? Manuel: "The toughest thing I've ever done in my career. Juwan is an unbeliev- able person and a legend here at Michi- gan, for what he did on the court. He's Manuel called his decision to part ways with men's basketball coach Juwan Howard last year "the toughest thing I've ever done in my career" and said that Howard was someone he still cares deeply about as a person, along with his family. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL

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