The Wolverine

December 2013

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  michigan basketball lum. It was just talking about the experiences they had in the Olympics. It was pretty cool." Favorite Sport Besides Basketball: "Football, definitely. I played it when I was young. I actually played running back, before I had a growth spurt. When I hit a growth spurt, I played receiver, then I just stuck to basketball." Last Loss That Made You Cry: "Probably playing against my dad in the driveway, when I was a little kid. That's probably the last time I cried from playing against somebody." Favorite Meal I Can Make Myself: "Probably a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'm not a big cook." Favorite Restaurant In Ann LeVert started Michigan's first three contests this Arbor: "The Chop House, or season and averaged 15.3 points per game, secondMelange. Pretty expensive res- best on the roster. photo by per kjeldsen taurants. I don't go there too often, but those are probably it." Best Vacation I Ever Had: "I went on a cruise when I was in eighth grade, with my mom and little brother, to Mexico. That was pretty cool. I'm looking forward to Puerto Rico, though. That will be pretty fun." Favorite Activity Outside Of Sports: "Just chillin'. Playing video games, watching TV, stuff like that. Nothing too major." Greatest Accomplishment In Sports: "Apart from going to the Final Four, in high school, winning the state championship game. That was the first time in school history we'd won the championship, so that was pretty cool." Favorite Michigan Basketball Player: "It might be Trey, just because I know him so well. I'm proud of him." Favorite Michigan Football Player: "My favorite football player now is Devin Funchess, since that's my boy. That's my friend. For all time, probably Charles Woodson." — John Borton

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