The Wolverine

August 2014

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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E ven with the incredible suc- cess of John Beilein's men's basketball program, the im- pressive efforts of Red Berenson's hockey crew over the years, and a host of other sports rising up at various times, football remains un- challenged as the biggest sport in Ann Arbor. It alone has the power to command 115,000 for an athletic contest, with loyalists paying in advance for the right to purchase choice seats. Football alone dominates the talk of Michigan fans year round, with everything from recruiting to roster weights scrutinized like cryptanaly- sis of the Engima in World War II. None of that is likely to change, as long as toe meets leather at the cor- ner of Stadium and Main. All of that said, it's crazy not to look around a bit. It's shortsighted and shortchanging oneself not to see some of the genuinely amazing efforts taking place up and down State Street and beyond. Right now, in the briefest breath before football madness completely takes over, marks as good a time as any. That's what this issue of The Wolverine — a publication made possible, like the proliferation of U-M athletics itself, by football — tends to focus upon. Take a little time to acquaint yourself with a Sam Mikulak, who has out-Charles Woodsoned No. 2 himself by a pretty good stretch, in relative terms. One of the greatest Wolverines ever to wear a winged helmet earned a Heisman Trophy, symbolic of standing alone as the best in his craft in a particular ath- letic year. Mikulak boasts three of them, in gymnastics measurement. He re- cently capped off his third NCAA Championships all-around title, WOLVERINE WATCH   JOHN BORTON It's Good To Look Beyond Football Men's gymnastics head coach Kurt Golder and senior gymnast Sam Mikulak represent some of the tremendous success stories found throughout the U-M athletics depart- ment. PHOTO COURTESY MICHIGAN ATHLETIC MEDIA RELATIONS

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