The Wolverine

August 2016

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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BY CHRIS BALAS M ichigan's representation in the NFL isn't quite what it used to be, but the Wolver- ines still have some out- standing talent in the league. Foot- ball isn't the only sport in which U-M is well stocked at the highest level, though — in fact, former Michigan icers are among some of the league's best and a few more are top up-and- comers. Here's our list of U-M's best profes- sional athletes from the four major sports: 1. TOM BRADY, QB, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (NFL) Now 38 years old, Brady has showed no signs of slowing down. He's won too many awards to men- tion, is an 11-time Pro Bowl selection (including last season), two-time first- team All-Pro, two-time NFL MVP and Offensive Player of the Year, and a four-time Super Bowl champion while earning MVP honors in the big game three times. Brady finished last year 's regu- lar season with a league-leading 36 touchdown passes and only seven in- terceptions, throwing for 4,770 yards and completing 64.4 percent of his passes. He continues to appeal his Deflategate suspension — he's been suspended for four games to start the 2016 season over allegations that he had knowledge of underinflated footballs in the 2014-15 playoffs — and remains one of the NFL's all-time greats. Head coach Bill Belichick put Brady among the best he's ever coached, calling him one of his "special guys" and the "greatest quarterback of all time." "He's been just a tremendous leader and tremendous player for our or- ganization," Belichick said during a keynote speech at the 2016 Sales- force World Tour event in Boston this spring. 2. JAMAL CRAWFORD, SG, LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS (NBA) The one-year Wolverine (2000) is now entering his 17th NBA season, BEST OF THE BEST Tom Brady Still Tops U-M's List Of Current Professionals

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